Application Insights 遥测模型定义了将遥测与它所属的操作进行关联的方式。 例如,请求可以发出 SQL 数据库调用并记录诊断信息。 可为那些要绑回请求遥测的遥测项设置关联上下文。 架构改进 Application Insights 数据模型采用基本的结构,不过,它能够非常有效地为应用程序遥测建模。 我们将努力保持该模型的精简结构,以便支...
\# of Exceps Thrown / sec 工作正在进行... 应用程序引发的异常速率。 \ASP.NET Applications(??APP_W3SVC_PROC??)\Request Execution Time 工作正在进行... 平均请求执行时间。 \ASP.NET Applications(??APP_W3SVC_PROC??)\Requests In Application Queue 工作正在进行... 队列中等待处理的请求数。
The .NET Framework implements two types of components: visual and nonvisual. A visual component is a user interface element, such as a Control, and a nonvisual component is one without a user interface, such as one that creates a SQL Server™ database connection. The Visual Studio .NET ...
Whenever a SQL query is able to run but is waiting on another resource, it records details about the cause of the wait. These details can be accessed using the sys.dm_os_wait_stats DMV. You can examine the accumulated cause of all the waits using the SQL script shown in Figure 1. ...
Formatted result of a SQL query. You can choose a table on which to build a report, or provide a custom SQL SELECT statement or a PL/SQL function returning a SQL SELECT statement. For assistance in writing the SQL query, click the Query Builder button. See Also: "Understanding the Differ...
Because of foreign keys in the Projects table, People data must be loaded after Project data. You load data into the People table by creating and running a script in SQL. To load data into the People table: Click the SQL Scripts breadcrumb link. Click Create. In the Script Editor: In ...
and DCL in the source database and SQL statements encapsulated in service programs into statements compatible with databases such as GaussDB and RDS. With the functions of database evaluation, object migration, and automatic syntax conversion, UGO can help you evaluate your reconstruction workload in...
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Application Virtualization Server\Scripts\Reporting\CreateViews.sql Run the built-in SQL script to refresh the “Programmability” database objects:%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Application Virtualization Server\Scripts\Reporting\CreateReportingStoredProcs.sql After you complete these ...
For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, seeLog Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, seeQuery. Application rule logs Connections that matched Application rules. HTTP, HTTPS and MSSQL are supported. Both connection and rule metadata is displayed. ...
For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, seeLog Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, seeQuery. Failed authorization Identifies a list of users who failed to access your resource and the reason for this failure. query