Candidates can make use of the UPSC syllabus for their exam preparation. They can download the IAS syllabus as a PDF file. The CSE selection process comprises the prelims exam, mains exam and personal interview. To improve the IAS exam preparation, Candidates may refer to the previous year's...
Before filling up the application form, aspirants must check UPSC CDS eligibility criteria carefully. CDS exam 2024 for both sessions will be conducted on April 21, 2024 and September 1, 2024. From now you will get 4-5 attempts of both so don't worry about attempt.give your best in ...
This exam consists of two papers, Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT). The Mathematics paper is of 300 marks, and the GAT paper is of 600 marks. The written examination is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Subject CodeSubjectTopicsMarksMaximum MarksDuration of Exam...
calculus differential calculus integral calculus vectors types of vectors vector space line integral definition a line integral is integral in which the function to be integrated is determined along a curve in the coordinate system . the function which is to be integrated may be either a scalar ...
(q), structure and components of the solar system (q), structure and orbits of the solar system objects, sidereal and synodic periods, retrograde motion, outer reaches of the solar system (q). space exploration satellite trajectories and transfers, human exploration of the solar system (q), ...
of electrons that surrounds the positively charged atomic nuclei of the interacting metal ions. the electrons then move freely throughout the space between the atomic nuclei. the electron-sea model explains the malleability and ductility properties of metal. the sea of electrons surrounding the ...
The National Cyber Olympiad is an annual cyber competition in India that is open to people of all ages. It gives a space for students from many disciplines to study and explore their abilities in order to boost their education. The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur’s Department of Computer...