Navier-Stokes equationlandslide sedimentseepageThe purpose of the study is to implement a new model based on the Navier-Stokes equations for the characterization of landslide sediments interacting with a moving fluid.The model is implemented by combining Hypermesh,the LS-DYNA software and MATLAB.The ...
This chapter is devoted to the derivation of the constitutive equations of the large-eddy simulation technique, which is to say the filtered Navier-Stokes equations. Our interest here is in the case...Pierre SagautONERA (Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales)...
Navier-Stokes方程在图像放大中的应用Application of Navier-Stokes Equation in Image Zooming 邹杨,冯兆永,姚正安ZOU Yang,FENG Zhaoyong,YAO Zheng an Keywords: 图像放大,Navier Stokes方程,各向异性扩散,块状效应,image zooming,Navier-Stokes equation,anisotropic diffusion,blocky affect Full-Text Cite this paper...
We also attempt to provide a physical analogy of the stochastic gradient method with the momentum term with the simplified form of the incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation. A systematic convergence and sensitivity study is performed to identify the effective dimensions of the deep-learned CNN...
Nonlinear and linear mechanisms of sound radiation by instability waves in subsonic jets are studied by a truncated Navier-Stokes equations approach. Particular attention is given to the model problems of a single-frequency inflow forcing (linear mechanism) and finite amplitude two-frequency inflow forc...
In the present paper, we investigate the underlying Stokes complex structure of the Virtual Element Method for Stokes and Navier–Stokes introduced in
This chapter is devoted to application of PC methods to fluid flows governed by the transient Navier-Stokes equations. Attention is primarily focused on the development and application of Galerkin (intrusive) solution methods. Non-intrusive approaches, including Monte Carlo sampling and Gauss quadrature...
The three-dimensional time-dependent turbulent flow in a neutrally stratified Ekman layer over a smooth surface is computed numerically by directly solving the Navier–Stokes equations. All the relevant scales of motion are included in the simulation so that no turbulence model is needed. Results of...
An implicit algorithm for the computation of viscous two-phase flows is presented in this paper. The baseline differential equation system is the multi-phase Navier–Stokes equations, comprised of the mixture volume, mixture momentum and constituent volume fraction equations. Though further generalization...
Two versions of a three-dimensional multistage Navier-Stokes code were used to optimize the design of an eleven-stage high-pressure compressor. The first version of the code utilized a mixing plane approach to compute the flow through multistage machines. The effects due to tip clearances and flo...