A multimicroprocessor system, based on Intel 8085 processors, has been designed and applied in digital signal processing. Multiple master/dual bus multiprocessor architecture has been applied, which enables up to eight masters to run concurrently. Several inter-master communications, as communication ...
The stimulator is a small system using an Intel 8085A microprocessor. The mode, frequency, and interval of the various stimulus signals can be changed by thumb-wheel switches in the front of the panel and recognized by the program. A tone burst is produced by a voltage control amplifier, ...
Application of Fuzzy Controller to Automobile Speed Control System An algorithm to compute the values of manipulated variable on the microprocessor (Intel 8085) is developed in order to make a real time speed control of autombile. We discuss the results of road test of automobile (TOYOPET CROWN...
Overview of Interfacing Data Converters with 8085 Microprocessor and its applicationRenu BundelKumar Pal Singh
ultrasonic materials testing/ microprocessor applicationconcrete crack depth measurementmup-8085nondestructive testingThis work investigates the possibility of utilizing the p-8085 and its application to concrete crack depth evaluation. For the purpose of the nondestructive testing, ultrasonic pulses are of ...