With the everyday advancements in information communications technology (ICT), many technological developments have colossally affected education, and one such example is augmented reality (AR). The goal of this research paper is the visualization of the difficult concepts by utilizing the AR technology...
This research aims to comprehensively analyze the most essential uses of artificial intelligence in Aerospace Engineering. We obtained papers initially pub
APPLICATION OF INTERACTIVE ICT TOOLS IN THE CLASSROOM: FOR A HANDFUL OF DOLLARS Numerous authors indicate that the Flipped Teaching pedagogical approach combined with other active strategies such as: Problem-based Learning (PbL), Role-... JS Artal-Sevil - International Conference of Education 被引量...
IN NIGERIA : PERCEPTION OF NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA ( NOUN ) STUDENTS Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have been touted as potentially powerful enabling tools for educational change and reform. When used appropriately, different ICTs are said to help expand access to educati...
of the applications are presented inFig. 5. Monitoring (25%), prediction (23.8%), ICT framework (11.9%) anddata analytics(9.5%) are the four most frequently used big-data applications in manufacturing. Through this statistic, it can be shown that the researches of big-data based solutions ...
In recent years the term ITS has emerged, which refers to the methods of transforming transportation systems through the use of ICT and its related infrastructure. ITS can be defined as the application of advanced sensor, computer, electronics, and communication technologies and management strategies ...
Application of IED to Condition Based Maintenance of Medium Voltage GCB/VCB communication technology (ICT) industry develops, the maintenance policies of many power utilities have gradually changed from TBM to condition base maintenance (CBM) to improve system operating efficiency, operation cost and pow...
New Technologies and Education: Constructive, Geometric and Dynamic Introduction of the Derivative Concept Most teachers speak of ICT and the new possibilities that have opened up in education, in particular it is especially worth mentioning the role ICT can pla... Carlos Caballero-Gonzalez,Jesus Ber...
Other ICT domains have faced similar problems and, in all cases, one solution was found to be the development of rapid application development (RAD) environments. A typical example is that of virtual reality, where toolkits and application frameworks are becoming quite popular: DIVERSE1 and CAVELi...
The World Resource Institute estimates that by 2050 there will be a shortfall between food being produced and the amount needed to feed an estimated 10 billion people. With the quantity of available arable land on the decline, the scarcity of water and l