By this way, they master the theory of this course on the basis of practice and their developing abilities are also enhanced. 展开 关键词: team development ICT human machine interface design computer education 会议名称: 2011 6th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE) 主办...
Some achievement recorded in computerizing payroll, marketing, stock and cost management, accounting lectures and research materials needs encouragement. However, problems in this direction are irregular power supply, frequent fluctuation in network, non ...
The application of computer information technology in agricultural production has largely promoted the change of agricultural production mode,made the modernization of agricultural production scale continue to expand,and been more consistent with actual demand of the economy market,which is an important inno...
(AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Jembere, E., Gerber, A.J., Viriri, S., Pillay, A. (eds) Artificial Intelligence Research. SACAIR 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1551. Springer, Cham.
The paper deals with business process based on the IS/ICT (information systems, information and communication technology) applications, mainly ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) software packages, process and constraint management. The analysis of the current ER...
In: Artificial intelligence and bioinspired computational methods: proceedings of the 9th computer science on-line conference 2020, Vol 2–9, pp 563–572. Springer Sutthithatip S, Perinpanayagam S, Aslam S (2022) (Explainable) Artificial intelligence in aerospace safety-critical systems. In: IEEE...
Application of IED to Condition Based Maintenance of Medium Voltage GCB/VCB communication technology (ICT) industry develops, the maintenance policies of many power utilities have gradually changed from TBM to condition base maintenance (CBM) to improve system operating efficiency, operation cost and pow...
of the applications are presented inFig. 5. Monitoring (25%), prediction (23.8%), ICT framework (11.9%) anddata analytics(9.5%) are the four most frequently used big-data applications in manufacturing. Through this statistic, it can be shown that the researches of big-data based solutions ...
With high developing of the Internet, the libraries of university are faced how to handle the security of information exchange and the sufficient use of library sources. In this paper, we introduce the Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology, and present a program to deal with the problems by...
Virtual reality (VR) technology, also known as spiritual environment technology, is a new stage of the development of computer and information technology. It is an important auxiliary tool in the fields of R & D, production, education, and so on. As one of the six most famous kilns in ...