Dijkstra AlgorithmShortest PathTramwayNowadays, the development of "smart cities" with a high level of quality of life is becoming a prior challenge to be addressed. In this paper, promoting the model shift in railway transportation using tram network towards more reliable, greener and in general ...
Three improvements on Dijkstra algorithm were presented.The improvements were given as follows:(1)A novel optimized base on ACO implementing approach is designed to reduce the processing costs involved with routing of ants in the conventional Dijkstra algorithm.(2) Based on the model of network rout...
13.Application of Dijkstra Algorithm in MAPGIS to Broaden and Realize Function;应用Dijkstra算法对MAPGIS功能扩展与实现 14.The Research and Implement of an Expand Model RBAC for Web Application;扩展RBAC模型在WEB应用中的研究与实现 15.The Research and Application Based on Struts Extended Framework;基于...
Dijkstra Algorithm Application to Determine the Evacuation Routes Simulation Earthquake and Tsunami in the CityBengkulu Based on GIS 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 3 作者: WE Yuliadarmi 年份: 2019 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享
Keywords:shortestpathalgorithm;Dijkstraalgorithm;A 倡 algorithm 引言 随着计算机技术和空间信息技术的发展与普及, 基于计算机技术、地图学等多学科交叉的地理信息系 统(GIS)已经被应用于人们日常的生产和生活当中。 在城市中,其主要应用于城市交通、地下管网、电力布 ...
Dijkstra算法是单源点的最短路径问题,即求某一点到其余各点的最短路径。它的基本思想是:依路径长 度递增的次序求得各条路径。 其中,第一条最短路径必定只含一条弧(这条弧的权值最小),由此,只要在所有从源点出发的弧中查找 权值最小者,从源点到vl即为第一条最短路径。长度次短的路径可能有两种情况:它可...
I used data structures and algorithms that I read about in my dad's old computer science textbooks. Dijkstra's algorithm was really hard to implement but I somehow managed to do it. Granted it's not scalable at all and crawls at a glacial pace compared to you guys, but hey, I'm ...
Breadth-First Search traversal algorithm - Contains the DijkstrasAlgorithm java class that implements the Strategy interface and implements Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm - Contains the PrimsAlgorithm java class that implements the Strategy interface and implements Prim's minimum-spanning tree algorithm...
theend,obtainedtheoptimizedoutletlayoutthroughttheDijkstraalgorithm.Attheend,weappliedthemodeltoapracticalstudyonthe districttoverifyitseffectiveness. Keywords:expressdeliveryoutlet;layout;PCA;multi-objectiveoptimizationmodel;XilingdistrictofYichang [收稿日期]2013-11-17 [基金项目]宜昌市科技局2011年研究项目“关于三...
VxWorks[C] / / Proceedings of the 5th international symposi鄄 um on test and measurement (volume 1). [s. l. ]:[s. n. ], 2003. [9]摇 Zhang Yi,Zhang Meng,Liang Yanchun. Application of an im鄄 proved dijkstra algorithm in multicast routing problem[ J]. Computer science,2009,36(8)...