Application of DerivativesIntegralsApplication of IntegralsDifferential EquationsVector AlgebraThree Dimensional GeometryLinear ProgrammingProbability KEA Biology Syllabus: Topics The living world Animal Kingdom Biological classification Structural organisation in animals Plant Kingdom Body fluids and circulation Cell ...
MHT CET 2025 answer key will be published by the authority through online mode. Candidates will be able to access theanswer keyfrom the first week ofMay 2025. The direct link to download the answer key PDF will be available on the website. Firstly, the provisional answer key will be releas...
Application of derivatives in problems of maxima and minima. 6. INTEGRAL CALCULUS AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS:Integration as inverse of differentiation, integration by substitution and by parts, standard integrals involving algebraic expressions, trigonometric, exponential and hyperbolic functions. Evaluation ...
Zircon and its derivatives have a wide range of applications and use in many industries. The largest industry that uses zircon for a vast range of applications is the ceramic industry. About 54% of the total zircon produced worldwide is used in the form of finely grounded dust for industrial...
and an electrolyte. the electrolyte is the mixture that constitutes positive and negative ions dissolved in water. the two electrodes are separated by a separator. these supercapacitors use carbon electrodes or derivatives with much higher electrostatic double-layer capacitance. the separation of charge ...