{ "isRequired": false, "isRecommended": false, "hardwareItemType": "Bluetooth_LE" }, { "isRequired": false, "isRecommended": false, "hardwareItemType": "Telephony" }, { "isRequired": false, "isRecommended": false, "hardwareItemType": "Microphone" } ], "systemRequirementDetails": [...
Bluetooth turning On and Off from C# BMI CALCULATOR: NaN after height and weight are entered. Bold Some Text in MessageBox? Bring variable into scope from a foreach loop Buffer Overflow in C# Build an entire solution programmatically Build C# Application to single EXE file or package Build stri...
Bluetooth turning On and Off from C# BMI CALCULATOR: NaN after height and weight are entered. Bold Some Text in MessageBox? Bring variable into scope from a foreach loop Buffer Overflow in C# Build an entire solution programmatically Build C# Application to single EXE file or package Build stri...
block keyboard and mouse input Bluetooth communication using serial ports Bluetooth turning On and Off from C# BMI CALCULATOR: NaN after height and weight are entered. Bold Some Text in MessageBox? Bring variable into scope from a foreach loop Buffer Overflow in C# Build an entire solution progra...
The broad availability and low cost of smartphones have justified their use for structural health monitoring (SHM) of bridges. This paper presents a smartphone application called App4SHM, as a customized SHM process for damage detection. App4SHM interrog