Please state position applying for on theapplication letteror in thee - mail. 请在应聘信或电子邮件中注明您申请的职位. 互联网 Preston: I have yourapplication letterhere. 普雷斯敦: 我收到了你的申请信. 互联网 Thank you for reading myapplication letter. ...
傳回代表 Microsoft Word 應用程式的 Application 物件。語法運算式。應用需要expression。 代表 'LetterContent' 物件的變數。註解Visual Basic 的 CreateObject 及GetObject 函數可讓您從 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 專案中存取 OLE Automation 物件。
英语写作-application letter.doc,(1)20 York Street Seattle,WA98500 USA May 5, 2001 (2)George Thomson 29 St. Johns Square London, W.G.1 UK (3)Dear Mr Thomson, (4)Body (5)Yours sincerely, (6)(Signature) (1)Department of Computer Science Southeast University
_LetterContent.Application 属性 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 返回一个Application对象,该对象表示 Microsoft Word 应用程序。 C# 复制 public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application Application { get; } 属性值 Application 适用于 ...
Thank the recruiter for their time and add your contact information so they can update you on your application process if needed. Address hiring managers and recruiters with “Mr.Mrs.” and finish your application letter with a polite word like the ones we mentioned (“Sincerely”, “All The...
返回一个代表 Microsoft Word 应用程序的 Application 对象。语法表达式。应用expression 是必需的。 一个代表“FirstLetterExceptions”集合的变量。备注Visual Basic 的 CreateObject 和GetObject 函数使您可以从 Visual Basic for Applications 项目中访问 OLE 自动化对象。另请参阅...
Office Word Primary Interop Assembly 搜尋 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word _Application _Document _Font _Global _LetterContent _OLEControl _ParagraphFormat AddIn AddIns Adjustments Application ApplicationClass ApplicationEvents ApplicationEvents_Event ApplicationEvents_SinkHelper ApplicationEvents2 ApplicationEvents2...
Ha solicitado ayuda sobre una palabra clave de Visual Basic que se utiliza sólo en Macintosh. Para obtener información acerca del método NextLetter del objeto Application, vea la referencia del lenguaje Ayuda incluida con Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.Vea...
Open the Create application document form, where you can specify the template file to use to create a letter for an applicant. For example, if you have a Microsoft Word template that you use to inform applicants that their applications were received, you could select that template in the Crea...
Office Word Primary Interop Assembly 搜索 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word _Application _Document _Font _Global _LetterContent _OLEControl _ParagraphFormat AddIn AddIns Adjustments Application ApplicationClass ApplicationEvents ApplicationEvents_Event ApplicationEvents_SinkHelper ApplicationEvents2 ApplicationEvents2...