With that in mind, here are some top tips for teacher job applications for any aspiring international teacher, or someone looking to move role, on how to make sure you get the basics right and ensure that any school sees you as a prospective hire worth taking seriously, and worth the time...
Whether it's your first teaching job or you're looking for a new position after years in the field, you'll need a letter of application, orcover letter, to accompany each resume you send to prospective employers. The letter introduces you and draws attention to your resume to motivate the...
Whether it's your first teaching job or you're looking for a new position after years in the field, you'll need a letter of application, orcover letter, to accompany each resume you send to prospective employers. The letter introduces you and draws attention to your resume to motivate the...
When determining and writing about your job accomplishments in your application letter for a teacher, use the acronym CAR (Challenge, Action, Result). Describe a challenge you faced, the action you took, and the results of your move. Within these CAR accomplishments, demonstrate the passion for ...
Being a teacherin PublicEnglishDepartment of S Universityhas long been my ideal job.S University is one of China’s best universities withoutstanding academic achievement.Among its colleges and departments, PublicEnglishDepartmentoccupiesan importantpositionfor teaching all of students English.Teachers in ...
申请信 A letter of application Aletterofapplication Ianwritingtoyouwithreferencetoapositionatyourschool.Iaminterestedinapplyingforajobofartteacher.IencloseacopyofmyCV.Iam16yeasold.Icanteachstudentdrawandmakethemknowaboutsomeknowledgeofdifferentcountry.IwouldliketoworkforyoubecauseIamveryinterestedinteaching...
Directions: Write an application letter for a part-time job. 根据中文提示的内容为Helen 写一封求职信。 Dear Mr. Black, I am writing to 1 (申请) the position of part-time English teacher, as advertised on your website. I am a student at a vocational college, and my major is 2 (英语...
I'd like to apply for the position of the English teacher in your school. Teaching is my ideal job and I am now doing my practice teaching in Hangzhou Senior High School, teaching Senior Two students.I find great fun in teaching English and all my students like my lessons ...
Addressing Your Letter to the Wrong Person A sign of a good teacher is attention to detail. If you address your instructional cover letter to the wrong person, you have already earned yourself strike one. Usually, at the bottom of the job advertisement, you will find contact details for the...
Ifinterestedintheposition,pleasesendyourapplicationlettertoelhouse@126.com,eduTceal:t0io2n1-6a3b2i2li2t9y95experiencepersonality DearSirorMadam,I’mEllenfromHenanExperimentalHighSchool.I’velearnedfromthenewspaperthatyouareinneedofanEnglishteacher.I’mreallyinterestedinitandwouldliketo graeppelytifnorgit....