您需要创建一个 Application Insights 资源来存储事件,然后才能从应用发送系统生成的日志。 在Azure 门户中为 Application Insights创建基于工作区的资源。 将您的应用连接到 Application Insights 备注 指定连接字符串时,请注意数据可以跨租户发送。 跟踪事件将发送到与为应用设置的连接字符串相对应的 App Insights 资源,...
Application Insights 中的“性能”面板 Application Insights 中的“失败”面板 在Application Insights 中查询数据 常见字段 Application Insights 是 Azure Monitor 的一项功能,该功能在企业enterprise landscape范围内广泛用于监控和诊断。 将把已经从特定租户或环境收集的数据推送到您自己的 Application Insights 环境。 这...
可用性概述是 Microsoft 运行的过程,可定期将请求发送到 Web 应用。 结果将发送到 Application Insights 服务。 收集哪些类型的数据? 主要类别如下: Web 服务器遥测数据:HTTP 请求。 URI、处理请求花费的时间、响应代码和客户端 IP 地址。Session id. 网页:页面、用户和会话计数。 页面加载时间。 异常。 Ajax 调用...
sdkVersion string SDKVersion string session_Id string SessionId string size real Size real success string Success Bool timestamp datetime TimeGenerated datetime user_AccountId string UserAccountId string user_AuthenticatedId string UserAuthenticatedId string user_Id string UserId stringApp...
The method will only set the authenticatedUserId and accountId for all events in the current page view. To set them for all events within the whole session, you should either call this method on every page view or set storeInCookie = true. ParameterTypeDescription authenticatedUser...
Session ID: 2025-02-25:1ff4a4e41fa0d67e83b0c907 Player Element ID: ve63a8ba4-1f23-6363-d252-38436da8b45f OK Close Modal Dialog Get actionable summaries of detected vulnerabilities, AI-generated code fix recommendations, and other insights to help you build secure software faster. Polaris...
Once armed with risk insights, you can build a prioritized remediation plan that minimizes risks even when budget and resources are limited. Protect data while meeting compliance demands Any organization creating, storing, and transmitting confidential or personal information needs to be sure it’s als...
https://docs.azure.cn/en-us/azure-monitor/app/asp-net#step-1-add-the-application-insights-sdk 我就不复制黏贴过来了。 而需要使用国内版遥测的最大问题是,默认Vs上是只能使用Global Azure的Application Insight,原因是vs安装后,默认环境是国际版Global的,所以当你在vs上登陆时,只能登陆国际版的账号。
#1391 Increase the randomness and size of the sessionId (newId()) #1390 using older version of types/cheerio dependecy #1389 take out SPO support #1388 Bump shims version for React, React-Native and Angular to latest. #1384 Add sideEffects field to applicationinsights-shims package.json Use...
\Users\***\.vscode\extensions\ms-dotnettools.csdevkit-0.4.10-win32-x64\components\roslyn-visualstudio-languageservices-devkit\node_modules\@microsoft\visualstudio-languageservices-devkit\Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.DevKit.dll --sessionId 98ef040a-c5dc-4eae-80a2-24e4f534cac81695083154337...