For PAYG pension schemes, it is crucial to monitor the ratio between pensioners and contributors in the future to ensure the financial sustainability of the scheme. Therefore, we calculate the old-age dependency ratio DR as the ratio between the number of individuals aged 65 and older and those...
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina* (Only citizens with biometric passports are exempt from the visa requirement. Biometric passports have been issued since 15 October 2009),
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine - Application for Diagnosis, Cardiac and Cardiovascular Surgical Procedures, Cardiovascular and Vascular Systems, Medical Devices R&D and Inventions, Medical Imaging Technology, Medical Imaging Technology, Image Processing/Computing, MRI, CT, Nuclear ...
Management Reporter for Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics NAV Additional resource Hotfixes Hotfixes for IT Spesometro (datifattura) for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015, NAV 2016 and NAV 2017 - Italy Overview of Released Application Hotfixes for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 - August 2015 to Most Recent...
We will use the fact that the integral ∫𝑇𝑡𝜇𝑥(𝑣)𝑑𝑣∫tTμx(v)dv is Gaussian with known mean and variance to derive analytical pricing formulas for longevity options in Section 3. Proof. Solving Equation (3) to obtain an integral form of 𝑌1(𝑡)Y1(t), we have ...
Presently, the most significant allocations are directed toward pensions, administered by the Federal Pension Services (FPS) with around 40% of the fund, and the National Institute for Sickness and Disability Insurance (NISDI) with around 30% of the fund for the reimbursement of healthcare ...
How to release rural consumption potential is currently of great significance for the sustainable economic growth of the developing world. Using representative survey data from the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS), this paper studied the impacts of mobile payments on rural household consumption and...