I am not able to share images from outlook for iOS to other applications like whats app and so on.Ref: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/f13f5045-8e76-49a5-b49a-598188dcfd03/privatevarmobilecontainersdataapplication-unable-to-share-images-app-protection-policy-for?forum=...
TCRP Report 54: Management Toolkit for Rural and Small Urban Transportation Systems Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C (1999) Google Scholar Kittelson and Associates, Inc., Urbitran Inc., LKC Consulting Services, Inc., MORPACE International Inc., Queensland University of Technology & Nakani...
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease Article Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Dengue Fever Outbreak Predictions in the Northwest Coast of Yucatan, Mexico and San Juan, Puerto Rico Abdiel E. Laureano-Rosario 1,* ID , Andrew P. Duncan 2, Pablo A. Mendez-Lazaro 3, Julian E. ...