签证申请书APPLICATIONFORVISA签证申请书 APPLICATION FOR VISA ※ 韩国法务部签证发给认定号码(CONFIRMATION OF VISA ISSUANCE No): 照片 2.名(拼音) Given Names 1.姓(拼音) Surname 3.中文姓名 5.出生日期 Date of Birth 4.性别 Gender [ ]男[ ]女 Photo 6.国籍 Nationality 7.出生地点 Province of Birth...
1、韩国签证发给申请表 APPLICATION FOR VISA公馆(申请)编号照片PHOTO35 x 45 cm1. 姓Surname 汉字姓名2. 名 Given Names3. 生年月日 Date of Birth 年月日4. 性别 Sexo M o F5. 国籍Nationality6. 出生地 Place of Birth7. 护照号码Passport Number8. 种类 Classification外交 因公 因私 其他DP OF OR...
4. 邀请人信息 / DETAILS OF SPONSOR 4.1 邀请人/邀请单位 Do you have anyone sponsoring you for the visa ? 无 No [ ] 有 Yes [ ] → 如您选择 “有”,请写具体内容 If ‘Yes’please provide details a) 邀请人/邀请单位 (名称) Name of your visa sponsor (Korean, foreign resident in Korea...
韩国签证发给申请表 APPLICATION FOR VISA 公馆申请 编号 1. 姓 Surname 汉字姓名 2. 名 Given Names 照片 PHOTO 35 x 45 cm 中文填写 3. 生年月日 Date of Birth 年月日 4. 性别 Sex M F 5. 国籍 Nationality 6. 出生地 Place of Birth 7. 护照号码 Passpor,蚂
30 January 2024 Please be informed that there is a change in the visa fees for all the visa category effective 1st Feb 2024 22 June 2023 Embassy of South Korea in New Delhi and VFS Centers (Delhi & Kolkata ) would not be accepting the EXPRESS applications till further notice. ...
KOREA VISA APPLICATION CENTER HCMC Hướng dẫn dịch vụ Thông báo Quan trọng THÔNG BÁO LỊCH NGHỈ LỄ CỦA KVAC NĂM 2025 2024.12.19 Quan trọng CÁC THÔNG TIN LIÊN QUAN ĐẾN VIỆC ĐĂNG KÝ XIN VISA 2024.06.21 Quan trọng...
韩国visa application form(个人旅游申请表)(1)签证申请表APPLICATION FOR VISA ※签证发给认定号码[返签证号](CONFIRMATION OF VISA ISSUANCE NO): 照片 PHOTO 3.5㎝× 4.5㎝ 1.姓(拼音)Surname 3.汉字姓名 4.性别Gender []M[]F 2.名(拼音)Given Names 5.出生日期Date of Birth 6.国籍Nationality 7.出生...
32.访韩费用支付者Who Will Pay For The Expense For Your Stay? 33.最近五年间旅行过的国家Countries You Have Travelled During The Past 5 Years ※Please note that C-series visa holders are not able to change their residential status after entry into Republic of Korea pursuant to the first clause...