But this rapid technological growth has not touched all the sections of the society especially the under privileged ones like the economically weaker strata of society and the people with disabilities. Therefore, in this paper we make an effort to design and develop the Web based application for ...
Promoting Self-Determination in Students with Developmental Disabilities. What Works for Special-Needs Learners. Growing evidence suggests that self-determination is a significant factor in improving educational and transition outcomes in students with intellectual an......
Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun Welcomes Your Comments Sun is ...
The number of female trainees in MD and biomedical PhD programs has reached near parity with their male counterparts for several years. However, a gender disparity persists for enrollment in Medical Scientist Research Programs (MSTPs). Several studies suggest women underestimate their abilities compared...
It includes recommendations for action by governments and UN agencies.doi:10.1177/016934410302100102BreenClaireNetherlands Quarterly of Human RightsBreen, C The right to education of persons with disabilities: Disabled in interpretation and application, 2003, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers:The Hague....
people with vision impairment by applying nerves on a hard floor, the nerves being formed by short strips of synthetic resin placed next to each other with a small mutual spacing , according to a series of parallel lines so that the nerves (3) form a route for people with vision ...
This article examines the human rights of persons with mental disabilities and the application and development of these rights by the various international andGostin, Lawrence O.Gable, LanceSocial Science Electronic Publishing
(2007). Exploring undergraduate student attitudes toward persons with disabilities: Application of the disability social relationship scale. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 50(2), 66 - 75.Hergenrather, K., & Rhodes, S. (2007). Exploring undergraduate student attitudes toward persons with ...
The Application of Quality of Life in Services for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Lines of intervention in Spain and ItalyITALYINTELLECTUAL disabilitiesQUALITY of lifeThe concept of quality of life (QOL) has become a measurable construct of great value ...
measure the extent to which people with intellectual disabilities (ID) exercise their rights.MethodThe ISRPID was produced through a virtual Delphi group with 37 professionals and relatives of people with ID from four continents and was refined in small pilot groups with persons with ID in ...