Apply for a Federal Tax ID (EIN) NumberApply for a Tax ID What is a Tax ID? Who Needs a Tax ID? Service Benefits Obtain your Tax ID (EIN) by selecting the appropriate entity or business type from the list below. Once your application has been submitted our agents will begin on your...
Select your desired entity and fill out your information on our simplified forms to obtain a Federal Tax ID Number / EIN from the IRS in just 3 simple steps. Govt Assist is an Authorized IRS e-file Provider. Govt Assist provides an expedited filing service and file business EIN/Tax ID ap...
An EIN (also called a Federal Employment Identification Number) is a nine-digit tax ID that the IRS assigns to your business for tax purposes. Your business’s EIN identifies your company when filing business tax returns—the same way your Social Security Number (SSN) identifies you. ...
5a.FederalEntityIdentifier:*5b.FederalAwardIdentifier: StateUseOnly: 6.DateReceivedbyState:7.StateApplicationIdentifier: 8.APPLICANTINFORMATION: *a.LegalName: *b.Employer/TaxpayerIdentificationNumber(EIN/TIN):*c.OrganizationalDUNS: d.Address: *Street1: ...
Federal Tax ID Number / EIN from the IRS in just 3 simple steps.Easy Doc Filingagents will provide a filing service and process your application with the Internal Revenue Service. You will receive your EIN via e-mail that same day, usually within an hour, if submitted during business hours...
Online:Immediately. Download, save, or print your EIN confirmation notice for your records. Fax:Four business days if you provide a return fax number; about two weeks if you do not. Mail:Four or five weeks. Be prepared to wait, as mailing your application has the lengthiest...
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FEDERAL EIN #___ DATE BUSINESS COMMENCED___ Business Premises: Owned___Leased___Years at location___ TYPE OF BUSINESS___ LANDLORD NAME___ ADDRESS___ CITY___ STATE___
Does your business or entity need to file for an EIN or Tax ID Number? Filing with GovDocFiling makes the process easy and convenient. Get started here!
Does your business or entity need to file for an EIN or Tax ID Number? Filing with GovDocFiling makes the process easy and convenient. Get started here!