ApplicationGatewaySslCertificatePropertiesFormat ApplicationGatewaySslPredefinedPolicyInner ApplicationGatewaySslPredefinedPolicyPropertiesFormat ApplicationGatewaySslProfilePropertiesFormat ApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificatePropertiesFormat ApplicationGatewayTruste...
ApplicationGatewayTrustedRootCertificate 对象本身。 withName public ApplicationGatewayTrustedRootCertificate withName(String name) 设置应用程序网关中唯一的受信任根证书的名称。 Parameters: name - 要设置的名称值 Returns: ApplicationGatewayTrustedRootCertificate 对象本身。 适用于 Azur...
像使用纸质证书一样使用它来获得服务和福利,例如,在申请养老金或加拿大护照时 - Use it as you would use a paper certificate to access services and benefits, for example, when applying for a pension or Canadian passport 开启您的加拿大之旅 Start Your Canadian Journey 第4 步:获取公民卡 Step 4: Ac...
Information and materials that are required to apply for a DV, OV, or EV certificate,Certificate Management Service:When you apply for a domain validated (DV), organization validated (OV), or extended validation (EV) certificate by using Certificate Mana
ApplicationGatewayAuthenticationCertificateOutput ApplicationGatewayAuthenticationCertificatePropertiesFormat ApplicationGatewayAuthenticationCertificatePropertiesFormatOutput ApplicationGatewayAutoscaleConfiguration ApplicationGatewayAutoscaleConfigurationOutput ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions ApplicationGatewayAvailableSslOptio...
This is a certificate issued by Council which states that Council will not take any action under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 or the Local Government Act 1993, to order or take proceedings for an order to have the building (covered by the certificate) to be demolished, ...
Certificate Export Error: Key not valid for use in specified state. Certificate Store C# code works on some computers but not all Certutil -p password with space CHALLENGE: more efficient BitConvert.ToString() (with no dashes) Change a picturebox to a random picture everytime you press a but...
Do not use transport security, use message security for both credentials and message protection. Provide an X.509 certificate for the service. Choosing SSL or Message Security The choice between SSL or message security is a simple binding configuration for transport or message security. SSL is ofte...
证书集(certificate set) 一组可关联至参与者连接的主证书和辅助证书。 证书签名请求(certificate signing request,CSR) 某个组织发送至认证中心(CA)以获取证书的电子消息。该请求包含一个公用密钥并且已使用专用密钥进行签名;CA 在使用其自己的专用密钥进行签名后返回证书。另请参阅密钥库(keystore)。 CGI 请参阅公...
Self-signed certificates for Android software In signing Android software, the signing certificate does not have to come from a certificate authority. It can be created by the software publisher—in this case, you. Unlike ecommerce transactions, where you have the additional requirement that you wa...