Cheque BookWould you like a cheque book for your Citibank Plus Transaction Account? Yes NoFULL NAME (SURNAME first, then GIVEN NAMES)Date ReceivedSIGNATURES TO BE ENTIRELY WITHIN FRAME972 G C M )3 9/7 V E R(BANK USE ONLYE M A N T N U O C C A .O N T N U O C C AK N ...
aIn the meantime, the SMBC is now carrying out credit evaluation on AOV HK, and this bouncing cheque issue will also have an impact. 同时, SMBC在AOV HK现在执行信用评估,并且这个弹起的钞票问题也将有冲击。[translate] aadministration for industry and commerce 管理为产业和商务[translate] ...
D日 M月 Y年 Number of Hong Kong Offer Shares applied for (not more than 38,579,000 Shares) 申請香港發售股份數目(不超過38,579,000股) For Broker use 此欄供經紀填寫 Lodged by 遞交申請的經紀 Broker No. 經紀號碼 Broker's Chop 經紀印章 Cheque/banker's cashier order number 支票╱銀行本票...
Please refer to the information pamphlet on ‘Price Guide to Main Services’ for the correct fee payable. If the fee is paid by cheque, the cheque should be crossed and issued in Hong Kong Dollars payable to ‘Companies Registry’. Please do not send cash. Signature 8. This form must be...
Seamen's Discharge Book or Continuous Discharge Certificate. Type of Ship 5. Enter the following types of ship: Cargo, Oil Tanker, Chemical Tanker or Liquefied Gas Carrier. Fee 6. The prescribed fee must be submitted with the application form. All cheques, drafts and orders should ...
(由銀行填寫 To be completed by Bank) 2/20 DPD-390(O) (12-2014) 賬戶類別 - 續 Account Type – continued 往來存款賬戶 Current Account (附一本支票簿 With one cheque book) 港幣往來存款賬戶 Hong Kong Dollar Current Account 美元往來存款賬戶 US Dollar Current Account 人...
The source currency amount is missing from general ledger transactions for voided cheques. Cash Management 551001 Project Ledger Entry doesn't show correct amounts when there're negative amounts in the Purchase Invoice...
3. Staple your cheque or banker's cashier order to the form. Each application for the Hong Kong Offer Shares must be accompanied by either one separate cheque or one separate banker's cashier order. Your application will be rejected if your cheque or banker's cashier order does not meet ...
Never draw the circle for the icons as that is drawn by the Application Bar itself. image Use icons for most commonly used commands. You can place only 1 - 4 icon buttons in the panel. Hence, if you want more than 4 commands to put in the Application Bar, use the Menu item for ...
□Travellerscheques/Reiseschecks □Prepaidaccommodation/ImVorausbezahlte UnterkunftMeansofsupport/MittelzurBestreitungdes □Prepaidtransport/ImVorausbezahlteLebensunterhalts Beförderung□Cash/Bargeld □Other(pleasespecify)/Sonstiges(bittenähere□Accommodationprovided/ZurVerfügung Angaben)gestellteUnterkunft □...