Ch 41:21 Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Ch 41:22 Shipping Containers Ch 41:23 Street Designation Apx 41:A1 Appendix 1: Newark Redevelopment Area Boundary Map Apx 41:A2 Appendix 2: Newark Zoning Maps Apx 41:A3 Appendix 3: Introduction to Zoning Districts Apx 41:A4 Appendix 4: Ill...
directlyto:AffordableHousingAlliance232Highway35SouthEatontown,NJ07724. 7.Pleaseallowtwo(2)weeksforyourapplicationtobeprocessed.Onceyourapplicationhasbeen reviewed,youwillbenotifiedinwritingregardingyourPRELIMINARYeligibilitystatusfor theaffordablehousingprogramadministratedbytheAlliance. ...
COBieber for road maintenance [27] Full size image In terms of citizen security, Newark, NJ City, USA, provides intelligent solutions through a data-based smart city platform that analyzes crime reports, criminal history of suspects, conducts crime risk analysis in specific areas, combats criminal...
vast majority are men; women represent only 6% of the population released from incarceration in Newark, NJ, where this study takes place [12]. These persons have elevatedneeds(e.g., health treatment, housing, employment) andrisks(e.g., felony labels, weak connections to the labor market but...
The construction industry all over the world is noted for provisioning real estate products, which in turn satisfies the needs of consumers. Products include major housing and accommodation facilities. The production of construction products, however, is labor-intensive and demands a great deal of eff...
Investigating the financial feasibility of TOD projects and the potential for securing funding for infrastructure improvements and affordable housing is also crucial [41]. Moreover, understanding local opposition and effectively engaging with the community can provide insights into overcoming barriers to ...
Smart Homes for Dummies; John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJ, USA, 2011. [Google Scholar] Mahmoud, A. Al-Qutayri Smart Home Systems; InTech: London, UK, 2010. [Google Scholar] Batov, E.I. The distinctive features of “smart” buildings. Procedia Eng. 2015, 111, 103–107. [Google ...