tax assessment form, statement of account, notice of coding – must be dated within the last 12 months (P45s and P60s are not official HMRC documents) 最近 12 个月内税务局签发的的税收通知,如税务评估表,账单或代码通知(P45s 和 P60s 不是税务局的官方文件) For bank use only with without wit...
ACCOUNT OPENING APPLICATION FORM 开户申请表 I want to apply for / 我要申请 ☐ Individual 个人 ☐ Joint 联名 ☐ Basic Savings Account 基本储蓄账户 ☐ Multi-Currency Savings Account 多币种储蓄账户 ☐ Premier Savings Account 贵宾储蓄账户 Section A: Personal Information 个人资料(Primary Account...
客戶編號 ACCOUNT OFFICER 客戶經理 FATCA / CRS form 中國行業類型: ___ FOR BANK USE ONLY Yes / No 企業規模: ___ ACCOUNT APPLICATION FORM (FOR ENTERPRISE CUSTOMERS) 賬戶申請表格 (企業客戶 ) I. Customer Information 客戶資料 Registered Name/ Trustee Name In English 英文 註冊名稱/ 受託人名稱...
2. Service definition/scope: 服务定义/范围: a) e-Advice includes the transactional advices for cash settlement, notifications for account service and advices for loan. 电子通知书包括所有涉及现金业务的电子通知书,涉及帐户服务的电子通知书, 以及涉及贷款业务的电子通知书. b) e-Statement includes the ...
Account Maintenance Form (For Enterprise Customers) (and new application for Online Enterprise Banking Service) -CCBA Online Enterprise Banking Services Maintenance Form-CCBA Business Account Application Form (and new application for Online Enterprise Banking Service) -CCBHK ...
1|Page PingPong Intelligence Limited Individual Account Application Form V1.0 – 20200907 IMPORTANT: Before opening an account, you should have read and understood Term of Business and Risk Disclosure Statement. 重要: 在開立帳戶前,您應已閱讀並明白業務條款及 風險披露聲明書. If you have any ...
The said fee will depend on the installment amount, repayment period and the account status. The said fee for the cardholders and the annualized percentage rates ("APR") will be shown on the "Statement Installment" transaction screen of "iService" of BOC Credit Card (International) Limited (...
Windows 2000 and Windows XP create each new user account as an administrator by default; therefore, key Windows components, such as the Date and Time and the Power Management control panels do not work well for a standard user Windows 2000 and Windows XP administrators must create two separate...
Statement/e-Advice service, the Bank will not send the advice by post, please download and retain the advice via Mobile Banking/Internet Banking for future reference, to avoid being unable to acce ss or review the relevant advice after the e-Advice retaining period or the loan account is ...
ApplicationFormforDBSCorporateAccountamp;Services Application Form for DBS Corporate Account & Services Business Particulars Postal Code:Registered Name :Mailing Address :Telephone No.:++Fax No.:INR Current Account INR Fixed Deposit Foreign Currency Current Account SGD USD Others Business Edge...