Things to Note About the Application Fee Waiver Universities Application Process for Universities with App Fee Waivers Other Costs Involved in the Application Process Why Look for Universities in the USA with an Application Fee waiver? "What is a few hundred dollars spent on application fees? it ...
High school seniors will get a break this fall as SUNY and CUNY schools and, for the first time, over 40 private colleges and universities are waiving fees for college applications this month, Gov. Kathy Hochul announced Thursday. College applications will be free for two weeks starting Oct....
Colleges & Universities在大学所上的课程 -If you have ever taken coursework at a college or university, please indicate the number of colleges: 如果从9年级开始你有参加过大学课程(例如Summer School),请填写上过课的大学数量。如果没上过,就填0。注意就算你已经在国内上了大学,只要你希望重新申请freshmen,...
Colleges & Universities在大学所上的课程 -If you have ever taken coursework at a college or university, please indicate the number of colleges: 如果从9年级开始你有参加过大学课程(例如Summer School),请填写上过课的大学数量。如果没上...
Common App在本申请季新增29所可申请院校,目前可申请院校已超过1000所。 2)种族信息可隐藏 因受到平权法案的影响,“种族信息”改为可选择隐藏。虽然目前仍要填写,没有学生自助选择隐藏的按钮,但是按照Common App的说法:由他们自己进行操作隐藏,隐藏后学校将看不到学生的种族背景;Common App只用于收集学生信息,以便...
College &Universities(学院或大学),是指你从九年级即初三开始是否上过任何大学的课程,如实填写。如果有的话,也要选择输入相应的大学,课程类型及是否获得证书等信息。上过学分认证的夏校或MOOCs的同学是可以把信息放在这里的。如下图: Grades(在校成绩),其中有Class rank reporting(年级排名汇报),可以选择排名标准,当...
CA Fee Waiver 申请费用减免:填写申请费减免相关信息 3-2.Family 家庭信息 Household 家庭:父母的婚姻状况,和谁居住 Parent 家长信息:填写父亲/母亲的基本信息(姓名、职位、受教育程度) Sibling 兄弟姐妹:关于兄弟姐妹的基本信息(姓名、年龄) 3-3.Education 教育背景(受教育经历、在校成绩、学过的课程、获得过的奖...
Common App Fee Waiver(申请费豁免) Family(家庭状况) Household(家庭总体) Parent1(父母之一) Parent2(父母之二) Sibling(兄弟姐妹) Education(教育信息) Current or Most Recent School(现在或最近毕业学校) OtherSchool(其他学校) College & Universities(学院或大学) ...
Common App Fee Waiver(申请费豁免) 02.Family(家庭状况)部分,包括: Household(家庭总体) Parent1(父母之一) Parent2(父母之二) Sibling(兄弟姐妹) 03.Education(教育信息)部分,包括: Current or Most Recent School(现在或最近毕业学校) OtherSchool(其他学校) ...
Common App Fee Waiver(申请费豁免) Family(家庭状况) Household(家庭总体) Parent1(父母之一) Parent2(父母之二) Sibling(兄弟姐妹) Education(教育信息) Current or Most Recent School(现在或最近毕业学校) OtherSchool(其他学校) College & Universities(学院或大学) ...