AWS Application Discovery Service (Application Discovery Service)具有内置的匹配逻辑,可以识别它发现的服务器何时与现有条目匹配。当该逻辑发现一个匹配项时,它会用新值更新已存在的被发现服务器的信息。 此匹配逻辑可以处理来自多个来源的重复服务器,包括 AWS Migration Hub (Migration Hub)导入、Application Discovery...
AWS Migration Hub (Migration Hub) インポートを使用すると、Application Discovery Service Agentless Collector (Agentless Collector) または AWS Application Discovery Agent (Discovery Agent) を使用せずに、オンプレミス環境の詳細を Migration Hub に直接インポートできるため、インポートしたデータから...
AWS Application Discovery Service 是一款强大的工具,可以帮助您规划和执行本地应用程序和数据库的迁移到 AWS 云。它可以帮助您了解本地环境的配置和使用情况,识别服务器之间的依赖关系,测量服务器性能,并提供数据探索功能。在ADS收集数据之后,可以用AWS Migration Hub 的 EC2 实例建议功能可以帮助您估算将现有服务...
此外,Application Discovery Service与AWS其他服务如AWS Migration Hub、AWS Server Migration Service (SMS) 和 AWS Application Migration Service (MGN) 等紧密集成,以支持无缝的迁移体验。
Third-party application discovery tools can query AWS Application Discovery Service, and they can write to the Application Discovery Service database using the public API. In this way, you can import data into Migration Hub and view it, so that you can associate applications with servers and tra...
How does Application Discovery Service work? How can I get started using Application Discovery Service? Where is Application Discovery Service available? What is the Migration Hub home region? Which on-premises discovery tool should I use? Agent-based discoveryOpen all What data does the AWS Applic...
AWS Application Discovery Service 现在提供 Application Discovery Service Agentless Collector,用于支持企业客户为其迁移项目收集信息。用户可通过安装在其本地数据中心内的虚拟设备进行部署,一次安装即可监控数百台服务器。 借助Agentless Collector,用户可以在几分钟内配置发现工具。Agentle...
For more information, including step-by-step procedures, see Migration Hub Import in the AWS Application Discovery Service User Guide . Note There are limits to the number of import tasks you can create (and delete) in an AWS account. For more information, see AWS Application Discovery Service...
Get-SPServiceApplicationSecurity Get-SPServiceContext Get-SPServiceHostConfig Get-SPServiceInstance Get-SPSessionStateService Get-SPShellAdmin Get-SPSite Get-SPSiteAdministration Get-SPSiteMapDatabase Get-SPSiteMaster Get-SPSiteSubscription Get-SPSiteSubscriptionConfig Get-SPSiteSubscriptionEdiscoveryHu...
If you need to use the OpenAI service through a proxy, you can configure the proxy address using theOPENAI_PROXY_URLenvironment variable: $ docker run-d-p3210:3210\-eOPENAI_API_KEY=sk-xxxx\-eOPENAI_PROXY_URL=\-eACCESS_CODE=lobe66\--namelobe-chat\lobehub/lobe...