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(email: maochun@njnu.edu.cn) Scientific Reports | 6:28989 | DOI: 10.1038/srep28989 1 www.nature.com/scientificreports/ Figure 1. FTIR spectra of (a) SiO2 NPs, and (b) SiO2-PA NPs. Figure 2. (a) analysis. SiO2 NPs, (b) SiO2-NH2 NPs, (c) SiO2-PA NPs, and (d) SiO2...
experiment at Dookie (36.39°S, 145.71°E), Victoria, Australia, to quantify the abatement potential of lig- insntieteecroasnpajpunlndiccamtitoieonanswuorintehdNaNHmH3 a3esmcsoibnsascileoannntcsreaftrmioomentshfoceoeddntltoointcsu.aolWcuusellyautfesoeNrd4Ht0w3odflaucyaxstetusle.sipnegnEsceoat...
China * Correspondence: ydg017@usst.edu.cn Abstract: Electrospun porous nanofibers have gained a lot of interest recently in various fields because of their adjustable porous structure, high specific surface area, and large number of active sites, which can further enhance the performance of material...
2. You may submit one application only. Duplicate application will render disqualification. 只可递交一份申请表,重覆申请者将被取消资格; www.hkpl.gov.hk 3. Not to send duplicate application when you receive an Auto-Reply email. 不要发送重复应用当你收到一个自动回复电子邮件。 bbs.csu.edu.cn隐私...
However, chemical sorbents such as powder CsuarCfal2caen. Ad sLaiCrlescuanlt,rtahpeiidrlysoardpstoiorbn water vapour, which leads process originates from a to the formation of an aqueous saturated solution. In addition, film on the the vapour sorption of water process involves molecules, Cl...
2 Hunan Bailin Biological Technology Incorporated Company, Changsha 410205, China * Correspondence: helenhe@csu.edu.cn; Tel.: +86-0731-82650230 † These authors contributed equally to this work. Received: 18 October 2017; Accepted: 29 November 2017; Published: 4 December 2017 Abstract: ...
materials Review The Property, Preparation and Application of Topological Insulators: A Review Wenchao Tian, Wenbo Yu * ID , Jing Shi and Yongkun Wang School of Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Xidian University, Number 2 Taibai South Road, Xi'an 710071, China; wctian@xidian.edu.cn (W.T.); ...
Fei Liu 2,3,* ID and Yong He 2,3 ID 1 School of Information Engineering, Zhejiang A & F University, 666 Wusu Street, Hangzhou 311300, China; wwkong16@zafu.edu.cn 2 College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; chuzh@zju.edu.cn (C....
Qari 6 and Omar Mahmoud al Zoubi 7 1 State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-Bioresources, College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China; pengguoqing@stu.scau.edu.cn (G.P.); zhenlan_liu@scau.edu.cn (Z.L.) 2 ...