前言 在Android开发我们经常需要关注全部创建的activity的生命周期,google在application里给我们提供了对应方法。 代码 publicclassAppextendsApplication { @OverridepublicvoidonCreate() {super.onCreate(); initActivityLifecycleCallbacks(); }/*** 在application里监听所以activity生命周期的回调*/privatevoidinitActivityLi...
支持获取Fragment 完全支持Kotlin以及混编 支持第三方 App 加固 支持一键生成路由文档 支持增量编译 支持动态注册路由、路由组、服务和拦截器 支持模块Application生命周期 支持路由页面事件 自动生成路由帮助类 二、典型应用 从外部URL映射到内部页面,以及参数传递与解析 跨模块页面跳转,模块间解耦 拦截跳转过程,处理登陆、...
Kotlin Implementation: private fun getAnimList(): ArrayList<Animation> { // create list of animations val animList: ArrayList<Animation> = ArrayList() animList.add(createAnimation(applicationContext, R.anim.no_animaiton)) animList.add(createAnimation(applicationContext, R.anim.rotate)) animList.add(cre...
To start the onboarding flow, we will need an instance ofFlowContextwith the necessary information in it. Here we provide theAppConfigwith only the application ID, so that the Flows component will include the activation steps to get the completeAppConfigfrom either the Discovery Service ...
In the method of monitoring button tap events in the FirstFragment file, create a span namedFirst Fragment Button onClick. Java Kotlin /** Visit the following link to view the complete code: https://github.com/alibabacloud-observability/android-demo/blob/master/AndroidJavaDemo/ap...
【路径学习】Context详解 访问APK中各种资源 访问Package的相关信息 APK的各种权限管理Context继承关系Context个数Context个数=Activity数+Service数+1(Application)。每个Context各有不同。 Android Context原理总结 AndroidContext原理总结 AndroidContext原理总结context相关类的类关系Activity类中Context的创建 Service类中Contex...
Sometimes you need to pass aContextinstance to some Android SDK method from yourActivitycode. Usually you can just usethis, but what if you're inside the inner class? You would probably writeSomeActivity.thisin case of Java andthis@SomeActivityif you're writing in Kotlin. ...
License MIT Releases6 v0.9.1Latest Sep 18, 2024 + 5 releases Packages8 com.redmadrobot.debug.panel-core com.redmadrobot.debug.panel-common com.redmadrobot.debug.panel-no-op + 5 packages Contributors6 Languages Kotlin98.2% Shell1.8%
Sometimes you need to pass a Context instance to some Android SDK method from your Activity code. Usually you can just use this, but what if you're inside the inner class? You would probably write SomeActivity.this in case of Java and this@SomeActivity if you're writing in Kotlin. With...
Sometimes you need to pass a Context instance to some Android SDK method from your Activity code. Usually you can just use this, but what if you're inside the inner class? You would probably write SomeActivity.this in case of Java and this@SomeActivity if you're writing in Kotlin. With...