The applicable federal rate (AFR) is the minimum interest rate that theInternal Revenue Service(IRS) allows for private loans. Each month the IRS publishes a set of interest rates that the agency considers the minimum market rate for loans.1Any interest rate that is less than the AFR would ...
Applicable minimum wagefor unskilled labor averaged (₹346/day) from April 2022 and practiced average wage of ₹220/day were used to arrive the average SWRF of 0.71. TheApplicable minimum wagerate shall be revised based on notifications issued by Labour Department, Government of NCT of Delhi...
Calculation of fines to be adapted to Federal Court case-law* The recent decision of the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof, BGH) in (...)German Competition Authority
The German Federal Government plans to submit to the Parliament a new bill for a reform of the law applicable on renewable energy sources pointing out that the talks with the Commission concerning state aid-compatibility have not yet been concluded...