Laser velocimetry in the supersonic regime: Advancements, limitations, and outlook Laser Velocimetry (LV) is often utilized as an off-the-shelf nonintrusive measurement technique for low speed, steady state flows. However, in complex, supersonic flows, the application of LV becomes highly specialized...
In questo documento viene descritto come installare il certificato digitale SSL attendibile di terze parti sull'ASA per le connessioni Clientless SSLVPN e AnyConnect. Prerequisiti Requisiti Questo documento richiede l'accesso a un'Autorità di certificazione (CA) di terz...
TM0YWQtNDdjOC1hMzdiLTliMTYxNTNkYjU3OCIsImh0dHBzOlwvXC9zY2hlbWFzLmNpc2NvLm NvbVwvaXJvaFwvaWRlbnRpdHlcL2NsYWltc1wvdmVyc2lvbiI6InYxLjIwLjAtOTNjMTkyOGIzMmEwZWRiNDk1ZTUiL CJpYXQiOjE1NjM3ODgwNTksImh0dHBzOlwvXC9zY2hlbWFzLmNpc2NvLmNvbVwvaXJvaFwvaWRlbnRpd HlcL2NsYWltc1wvb2F1dG...
The appliance for compaction and insulation of cavities and cracks in solid massif and formation of air gaps in well charge of explosive substance hastightened yielding shell with elements of suspension and source of forming pressure in it for its radial expansion. Besides that the yielding ...
the standardizationalsoplaysanimportant roleinfacilitatingthedevelopmentof theindustry.Accordingtotheguiding policyofSAConactivelyadopting theinternationa1standardsequaIIy andequivalentlv,IECstandards wereadoptedatthebeginningofthe developmentofhouseholdappliances industrv soourProductscouId enjoyahighstartingpointindesign...
The invention provides increase of sensitivity, reliability, effectiveness and productivity of non-destructive control of quality of metal product.MALYNKA SERHIY ANATOLIIOVYCHHORIACHKIN DMYTRO VOLODYMYROVYCHKALASHOV OLEKSANDR VALENTYNOVYCHNAIDA VOLODYMYR LVOVYCHHORIACHKIN IHOR VOLODYMYROVYCH...
The voltage, Vi1nv , can be regulated by adjusting the angle, α. This can be achieved by controlling the duty cycle, D, of the gate signals, where α = π(1 − 2D), as shown in Figure 5. The desired angle, α, and D can be adjusted from 0–π and 0–50%, respectively....
sensors Article A Wireless Monitoring System Using a Tunneling Sensor Array in a Smart Oral Appliance for Sleep Apnea Treatment Kun-Ying Yeh 1,*, Chao-Chi Yeh 2, Chun-Chang Wu 1 ID , Kuan Tang 1, Jyun-Yi Wu 1, Yun-Ting Chen 2, Ming-Xin Xu 2, Yunn-Jy Chen 3, Yao-Joe Yang 2...
Hinweis: Der Keyring-Name kann beliebig eingegeben werden. In diesen Beispielen wirdfirepower_certverwendet. In diesem Beispiel wird ein Keyring mit einer Schlüssellänge von 1024 Bit erstellt: Firepower-chassis#scope securityFirepower-chassis /security #create keyring ...
NvbVwvaXJvaFwvaWRlbnRpdHlcL2NsYWltc1wvdmVyc2lvbiI6InYxLjIwLjAtOTNjMTkyOGIzMmEwZWRiNDk1ZTUiL CJpYXQiOjE1NjM3ODgwNTksImh0dHBzOlwvXC9zY2hlbWFzLmNpc2NvLmNvbVwvaXJvaFwvaWRlbnRpd HlcL2NsYWltc1wvb2F1dGhcL2tpbmQiOiJhY2Nlc3MtdG9rZW4ifQ.SfSzvuAJbwf4gz72KPT2HEYB8D_1g8Xlk8E0...