This JavaScript calculator will help you to estimate the cost of operating any given electrical appliance, based on the average KWH (kilowatt hours) used per day, and on the average cost per KWH charged by your electric company.
Determine the Cost of Using Appliances in Your Home. Use this calculator to find out the cost of using most major electric appliances. Simply enter the amount o…
[英 [əˈplaɪəns] 美 [əˈplaɪəns] ] appliance的意思、解释 复数形式:appliances; appliance 基本解释 名词器具,器械,装置; 家用电器 appliance 相关例句 名词 1. The kitchen is equipped with modern appliances. 这间厨房里安装了各种现代化设备。
14. A method for non-intrusive measurement of energy usage and operating circuit load characteristics of each of a plurality of individual electric units coupled to an electrical power circuit in a facility, which power circuit receives electrical power from an external electrical power line comprising...
In some cases, the problem may be caused by overuse of household plumbing. Using too much water can cause the septic tank to fill up quickly, leading to overflow. It’s a good idea to reduce your water usage as summer approaches to avoid this. ...
The watch can capture highly detailed electric, water and gas utility usage data and embed intelligence to optimize consumption of natural resources. The system is convenient in that it can be installed, upgraded and networked without wires. The patient can receive automatic notification upon ...
Usage:SVC; Frequency:Intermediate Frequency; Size:Medium; Iron Core Shape:Ring; Power Source:Switching Regulated Power Supply; Application Range:Industrial and Mining Enterprises; Brand:Shuntong; Power Factor:0.8; Adjustment Time:0.5s(When The In...
The system can also receive data from a cloth washer/dryer 8P to determine usage. For the backyard, a mesh network positioning system 8Q can be used. Additionally, a backyard motion sensor 8R can communicate data over the mesh network for security as well as safety monitoring purposes. In ...
This appliance cost calculator estimates the cost and energy usage of any appliance. Calculate the cost/electricity consumption for an appliance or compare it with new appliances to be purchased. Thanks for your support, and do visit for more apps for your iOS devices. ...
This appliance cost calculator estimates the cost and energy usage of any appliance. Calculate the cost/electricity consumption for an appliance or compare it with new appliances to be purchased. Thanks for your support, and do visit for more apps for your iOS devices. ...