Family fun is always just around the corner in Ohio. Our local, family-owned farms welcome you to their orchards for year-round activities and delicious, wholesome foods to take home. Stop at a local farm stand or make a day of it in the orchard.Search...
Thomas Gnau Staff Writer
Pick your own apples at Nebraska's largest apple orchard! There's no better place to pick fresh apples than Vala's!
Provides information on the marketing technique of apple growers in Ohio. Description of the sign displayed at the Ohio Fruit Growers Society annual summer tour in 2003; Features of the Web site of Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, which ...
On a given day, tests focused on either apple or papaya (a preferred host used for comparison). Unblemished ‘Scifresh’ apple fruit were selected from a local grocery store and each fruit was washed prior to exposure and weighed. It was assumed that any pesticide residues were below maximum...
MacQueen Apple Orchard, Cider Mill, Farm Market, and Pick Your Own Apples, Holland, Ohio, west of Toledo
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PRIMER ON OHIO APPLES.(Living)Rosencrans, Joyce