2018年,苹果正式发布了iPhone Xs系列机型,并新增了Apple Care+ 中的with Theft and Loss(盗窃和丢失)理赔服务,iPhone用户只要购买了这项服务后,在iPhone丢失/被盗情况下就可以用超低价找苹果官方获得一台同型号的全新iPhone。 也就是说,只要用户购买了这项服务,就可以在Apple Care+原本拥有的延保2年以及保修...
The purchase date of your AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss plan, which you can find atmysupport.apple.com In Australia After you begin a claim with Apple and finalize the claim with AIG, you can contact AIG to check the status of your claim. ...
是这样的,美国地区最新的Apple Care+服务,新增了Theft and Loss(被盗 / 丢失)选项。以iPhone XR、iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max为例,价格为299美元,分 24个月支付的话,每个月需要支付14.99美元(约合人民币103元)。一旦设备丢失,用户只需要支付299美元,即可向苹果重新购买一款新iPhone(跟丢失的那款同款,包括型号和储...
如果您想更多地保护自己,AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss涵盖了AppleCare+所做的一切,并增加了每12个...
苹果官方在 AppleCare+ 的基础上,增加了一个平行业务,叫「AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss」,这项新服务包含了 Apple Care+ 延保 2 年、保修换机等原有服务,同时加入了「被盗和丢失」的理赔服务。 目前这项功能刚刚在美国地区上线,未来会不会在更多国家上线?是否能在中国上线?我们接着往下看。
- 在中国大陆只剩下 AppleCare+.Theft and loss 在条款中写了仅限美国本土。-
目前,在Apple(苹果)美国官网,AppleCare+服务升级。除了原有的AppleCare+服务之外,新增“AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss”,即AppleCare +盗窃和丢失服务。 关于“AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss”,以iPhone XS用户为例,每月支付14.99美元,最多支付24个月;或者一次性支付299美元,即可享受这项服务。
I need help with a stolen iPhone and denied AppleCare+ claim. I have AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss coverage, and my iPhone was stolen. Despite this, the insurance company denied my claim because Find My was supposedly disabled. [Edited by Moderator]...
Overshadowed by Wednesday's hardware announcements, Apple is introducing a new tier to its AppleCare extended warranty service for iPhone that lets owners pay to protect against theft and loss.
Apple unveiled new iPhones and Apple Watch models at its Gather Round keynote on Sept. 21. But it also launched something else that day: . This marks the first time that Apple has offered loss and theft protection through its own first-party programs, so it’s a significant change....