Easily adjust the workout duration, rest duration, perform multiple sets, randomize the order of the exercises and save to HealthKit. Apple Watch Follow along with the workouts and prompts with our great Apple Watch app. See your heartrate updating as you do each exercise. Workout Videos...
健身的好伴侣:Workout 这个是我比较常用的健身APP,特别对于初学者是比较好的,它可以把你想要锻炼的动...
在使用「体能训练 (Workout) 」App 时,默认状态下 Apple Watch 是会一直持续测量心率的。但是在平时...
在Apple Watch上,我一般会把他放在图文模块的最中间,只要一抬手腕就能看到自己接下来要干的事情,非常醒目。我在 iPhone上设置了自动导入待办事项,这样就可以很方便的用Siri录入自己的待办事项。二、健身锻炼软件—workout 我认为这是最好用的、最良心的一款健身软件。当然是付费的,需要25块钱,但会非常值得。你...
请注意,我这里说的是在Apple watch上的邮件软件推荐,主要侧重于在手表上查看邮件的体验,你如果是在电脑或手机或iPad,不用这个也没事,一样可以同步,比如我Mac上用的就是网易邮箱大师。 健身的好伴侣:Workout 这个是我比较常用的健身APP,特别对于初学者是比较好的,它可以把你想要锻炼的动作都按照自己的意思组合好...
Cycling Workout Keeps Pausing I have an Apple Watch 4 which I use for both running and cycling however my watch seems to have developed a problem. When setting off on a cycle ride over the last few weeks I have found when I am only 30 seconds or so into the cycling my watch pauses...
I have the Apple Watch SE 2nd generation. I run the workout app and chose the "Indoor Walk". Once it starts, I then walk up and down the stairs of my 5 story office building 3 times and then stop the workout. I also have my iPhone with me. I do this twice a day every work...
针对心率监测功能,或许Apple Watch最大的限制恐怕还是第三方应用的兼容性。现在Apple Watch只能在其自带的Workout APP中使用传感器,并且,在功能特性上Workout并不及Endomondo、Strava、Nike+出色。 如果你是一名运动健身爱好者,身为果粉却痴迷于随时获得运动数据反馈,那么在Apple Watch和钟爱的第三方应用之间做出的抉择将...
Zova uses the science of heart zone training to burn more calories in less time from every workout.
Apple makes it easy to track a workout with your Apple Watch using its stock Workout app. All you have to do is open the app, select the workout...