速度方面,apple watch充满一次大约需要1.5-2h,pebble差不多35分钟。差距还是比较大,好在apple watch充电大部分都在夜间,醒来了就充好了,没什么太大的影响。 2.屏幕 个人觉得智能手表除了搭载的系统之外,最为重要的就是这块屏幕(真心不觉得有没有外放这件事情很重要,现在用着apple watch都开着静音模式 )。 虽然ap...
通过近段时间不断的测试使用Haylou Smart Watch 2,个人最喜爱的两大功能是心率监测和睡眠监测,精准,清晰;同时内置的12种运动模式可任意满足个人日常运动需求。续航强劲、连接稳定、功能齐全,对于一款售价不到200的智能手表,完全是出乎小叶的意外。有对Haylou Smart Watch 2这只“新螃蟹”感兴趣的老铁们,不妨亲自...
▲Haylou Smart Watch 2采用了蓝牙5.0,同手表连接手机后我们可在手表上查看来电提醒、短信以及微信消息等,当然还能开启播放音乐哦,省却了时刻掏出手机的麻烦。同时Haylou Smart Watch 2的操作也简便,可通过上滑、下滑以及左右滑动找到自己所需的功能。 功能强大 ▲Haylou Smart Watch 2硬件配置强悍,内置高性能、低功耗...
The design of the current crop of Android Wear and other smartwatch gadgets is defined by being aimed at geeks, people who need no explanations of value, capabilities, and potential of the product category. It looks like it will again take Apple to perform its marcom duties for the entire ...
Apple watch终于开卖了,与预期相同,一如既往的火爆。 一位做智能手表的朋友第一时间多花四千元抢购到手,拿Apple watch使用免提功能打电话给老杳显摆,效果不错,不过这个功能三星Gear第一代就已经实现,老杳从Gear、Gear Fit、Gear S一路买过来,没有一个能够佩戴超过一个月,原因很简单:不好看也没用,戴着更丢人。
Cases for smartwatches: Is extra protection and customization worth extra bulk? Wearables & Fitness A smartwatch case can save your pricey wearable from scratches and scrapes, but it'll also make it thicker and bulkier. ByBrady Snyder
The Apple Watch Series 10 has received a design update with larger casings and displays but a thinner overall design, along with a new S10 chip,...
For serious athletes, using both may offer the best experience with the Whoop 4.0 tracking all of their particulars 24/7 in a subtle manner while the Apple Watch is used for focused activities and other smartwatch functions. Alternatives worth considering ...
了解Apple Watch 的抗水性能 按下侧边按钮 按下可显示或隐藏“控制中心”。 按住可使用“SOS 紧急联络”。 按两下可使用 Apple Pay。 按住可将手表开机或关机。 如果你使用的是 Apple Watch Ultra 或更新机型,你可以自定义操作按钮,以快速访问自己常用的功能。
The twobest smartwatchesyou can get for your iPhone are theApple Watch Ultra 2andApple Watch Series 9. They’re Apple’s newest wearables with the latest in fitness technology, intelligent features and software that the company has to offer. But there’s a burning question that needs to be...