首先,确保您的iPhone和苹果手表已成功配对。打开iPhone上的Apple Watch应用。在应用的“我的手表”(My Watch)选项中,找到并点击“时间和日期”(Time and Date)。在“时间和日期”菜单中,根据您的时区进行时间调整。若要自动同步网络时间,请打开“自动设置”(Auto Set)选项。二、日期调整 调整苹果手表的日期...
如果你将设备与电脑同步后,设备上显示错误的时间,请确保在 Mac 上正确设置“日期与时间”。 不建议手动调整时间设置来更改 App 的行为(例如游戏计时器)。 了解Apple Watch 上的时间设置,包括如何在手表上设置 24 小时制,以及如何将表盘时间设置为快于实际时间。发布...
【教程】最高效的时间记录 | 时间追踪系统 | NFC贴自动化设置 | Time Tracking System_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibilib23.tv/av85450728 她的方法很不错啊,如果你手头没有Apple Watch,但是有A12芯片以上的iPhone,可以试试(她视频讲的有误,虽然iPhone很早就有NFC,但A12及以上机型才开放)。 于是有...
如何在 Apple Watch 上启用 Taptic Time 打开设置应用程序。选择时钟,然后选择Taptic Time。将Taptic Time 旁边的切换开关设置为 On 。选择Taptic Time 应该使用的模式。启用 Taptic Time 后,您可以用两根手指在表盘上长按来启动振动。如果您还启用了“通话时间”(位于“设置”的“时钟”菜单中),则点击并按住命...
Watch app, My Watch, General, Back to Clock The general setting should be 2 minutes. Then below in the app list, in Compass settings set Custom, and turn off the When in Session...Return to App In the mean time you may need to force close the compass app... Force close app stuck...
Watch sessions at any time. Check out session highlights. Read about newly announced technologies. Get sample code from sessions. Dive into new and updated documentation. We’d love to know what you thought of this year’s conference. If you’d like to tell us about your experience, please...
Apple Watch 使用妙控键盘 无线充电 接力 使用通用剪贴板 拨打和接听无线局域网通话 将iPhone 用作无线局域网热点 共享iPhone 的互联网连接 使用iTunes 传输文件 CarPlay 车载 CarPlay 车载介绍 连接到 CarPlay 车载 控制CarPlay 车载 使用“地图” 拨打电话 ...
Apple Watch time changes Wien away from my phone Hi. I have an apple watch A2095 GPS + Cellular Whenever I am away from my phone and it loses its bluetooth connection to my iphone, the time goes ahead one hour. When I get near my phone and Bluetooth connection reestablishes, the time...
Apple's most rugged Apple Watch with better GPS, a 49mm titanium casing, a more durable display, extra long battery life, a built-in Action...
Many people come up with a question that 'Why Apple watch keeps asking for Apple ID Password?' Well! You get to know everything about this issue. Just stay tuned with us and explore this article.