You can see when you woke up during the night, how long for, and whether you’re getting enough REM sleep. Just keep in mind that the Apple Watch isn’t as accurate as purpose-built hardware so shouldn’t be relied upon as a medical sleep tracking device. Drawbacks to Tracking Sleep ...
Open the Settings app on your Apple Watch, select Sleep, and enable Use This Apple Watch for Sleep Tracking. Then, open the Sleep app on your Apple Watch, and create a Sleep Schedule. Your Apple Watch will track your sleep based on the set schedule. You can modify it any time. How ...
不过 Sleep++ 最近上线了 3.0 版本,新版终于支持自动记录睡眠,而不必在 Watch 点击「开始睡觉」才能记录。 Sleep++ 2.0 需要在手表上点击才能开始或结束睡眠记录 要打开自动睡眠记录,你需要在 Sleep++ 的「设置」中开启「Auto Sleep Tracking」,之后 Sleep++ 的自动记录睡眠就开始工作,本质上它和 AutoSleep 一样,...
This shows your wake up, alarm, and bedtime for the next time you go to bed and wake up. You can change the settings here without affecting your main sleep schedule (explained below). So, if your main sleep schedule alarm is set to wake you at 7 AM, but you think you need more s...
Set up a sleep schedule on your iPhone How to edit or delete a Sleep Schedule on Apple Watch or iPhone On the Apple Watch On the iPhone How to view your sleep data on Apple Watch and iPhone On the Apple Watch On the iPhone How to set up sleep tracking on an Apple Watch or iPhone...
With watchOS 9, Apple introduced an improved sleep tracking feature to offer comprehensive and much more useful insights on the Apple Watch. You can track sleep on your Apple Watch, and know how much time you spent in REM, Core, and Deep Sleep stages. Moreover, the sleep tracking on App...
apple watch sleep tracking: best apple watch sleep tracker (2025) apple watch sleep tracking: best apple watch sleep tracker (2025) by olena kagui december 30, 2024 updated december 30, 2024 editorial ethics editorial ethics our experienced tech educators write, edit, and fact-check every ...
Whether you want to wake up in the morning or establish a proper sleep routine, a sleep-tracking app is just a download away. To help you, we have handpicked
Sleep++ 的使用非常简单,打开应用后,点击「Start Sleeping」,就会开始纪录。睡醒后,再打开应用,点击「Stop Sleeping」,等它分析完成,便记录下一次睡眠周期。在你睡觉时,Sleep++ 会通过 Apple Watch 的传感器来记录你的活动,如果你睡觉时经常翻身,它就会将这段时间记录为非入眠时间(Restless)。
The Apple Watch has a built-in sleep tracker, but it can be hard to find. Here’s how to access it, how to set it up so that it properly records how much sleep you’re getting, and how to understand the results.