Sleep Cycle:不需要Apple Watch仅有iPhone都能使用,可以把打呼和梦话都记下来,高级功能需要订阅。缺点是检测精度较低,如果两人或多人一起睡检测误差较大。 Auto Sleep:watchOS端流行的睡眠检测App,良心的买断制。自定义功能强大,检测数据多,检测精度较高,可自动检测午睡。缺点是有一定的使用门槛,数据展示不够符合直觉...
But can I assume, according to the sleep-periods, that I have been awake or in light sleep between the sleepingperiods? And can the pulse during the night give a hint of how deep my sleep was? I was choosing between apple watch and oura ring for sleepdetection, and was told apple wat...
Sleep++ 应该是最早一批开始尝试利用 Apple Watch 记录睡眠的应用,而AutoSleep青出于蓝后来居上,在专业性和复杂度上都比 Sleep++ 高出一个台阶。不过 Sleep++ 最近上线了 3.0 版本,新版终于支持自动记录睡眠,而不必在 Watch 点击「开始睡觉」才能记录。 要打开自动睡眠记录,你需要在 Sleep++ 的「设置」中开启「Au...
Sleep Watch on Apple Watch SE I cannot find the “Sleep” app on a recently purchased Apple Watch SE. WatchOS updated to 7.2 iOS 14.3 There is no 'sleep' app on the Watch itself. On the Apple Watch app on the iPhone too, I can see all information about the watch, except the 'slee...
sleep app . note: if this is your first time accessing the sleep app, review the sleep app prompt then select next . you will be walked through a short tutorial on how to set your first sleep schedule. turn sleep mode on or off sleep mode mode will turn off the watch's display...
监测睡眠千万别买au..监测睡眠千万别买auto sleep太不准了,吧里一群人推荐……不如pillow虽然贵点但是很精准其实免费版就可以用,我买了付费也不知道有啥区别……
sleep app . note: if this is your first time accessing the sleep app, select set your first schedule . review the sleep app prompt, then select next . to turn on sleep screen, scroll to and select enable . you will be walked through a short tutorial on how to set your first sleep ...
Sleep++ 应该是最早一批开始尝试利用 Apple Watch 记录睡眠的应用,而AutoSleep 青出于蓝后来居上,在专业性和复杂度上都比 Sleep++ 高出一个台阶。不过 Sleep++ 最近上线了 3.0 版本,新版终于支持自动记录睡眠,而不必在 Watch 点击「开始睡觉」才能记录。
你可以在 Sleep++ 查看最近的睡眠记录,同样在 里也可以查看。 睡觉表盘 Sleep++ 提供了 Apple Watch 表盘部件,这样你就可以从表盘上快速启动它。我的建议是,单独设置一个「睡觉表盘」,并且把它放到你最常用的表盘旁边。 我的摆放原则主要有以下几点: ...
app store里sleepwatch评论数最多 其次autosleep 最后pillow 郑州包子 到货啦 3 autosleep 是无感监测,不像pillow 还得开,设置闹钟 小飞侠托蒂 S3 9 autosleep好用 强力推荐 谁用谁说好 路小路和呆萌豆 S2 8 Autosleep准 -Dedsec S6 12 autosleep,睡眠银行这个功能只有它有,而且很有参考意义。 阿鲁...