With a Pip-Boy face on your Apple Watch, you can step into the role of a wasteland wanderer every time you glance down. You don’t actually have to live through a nuclear fallout to get a thrilling taste of that gritty, retro-futuristic vibe. Let me show you where to find this wat...
Even better, a lot of theWatch faces are further customizable as well. You can evenmake your Watch look like a Pip Boy from the popularFalloutseries. For me, I’m a fan of the Modular watch face, which gives me direct access to the weather, the time, the time in California, access ...
EMUI-Watch 6.1remake PREMIUM Huawei Black Lunar Watch Copy PREMIUM Huawei-Watch-360 PREMIUM Huawei Face PREMIUM Huawei Simple Dark Rotate PREMIUM Digital clean PREMIUM Huawei watch 2 PREMIUM Regal East - Silver Edition by C7ous PREMIUM MEDVED.evg Color 3 PREMIUM Pipboy 3000 Copy PRE...
有人把PIPBOY 3000跟APPLE WATCH做比较 只看楼主收藏回复 360大佬 乞丐 1 RT 送TA礼物 1楼2014-09-16 17:59回复 守望者we3 邮差 12 从表上看Pipboy完爆Apllewatch但是游戏跟现实比有什么用啊!Pipboy根本没有卖的啊! 来自iPhone客户端2楼2014-09-16 21:06 回复 ...
「辐射哔哔小子&多色可选&时间位置」Fallout Pip-Boy Apple Watch表盘 2年前 501 「抽象&青色&黄色&洋红色」 Abstract Cyan Yellow Magenta 简约时尚Watch表盘 「抽象&青色&黄色&洋红色」 Abstract Cyan Yellow Magenta 简约时尚Watch表盘 2年前 464 「万花筒手表表面&多种图像样式」不只是银河系 More Than Galaxy...
It’s a build that reminds us ofsome great Pip-Boy builds over the years. It would make the perfect addition to a Pokemon cosplay, too. Just don’t forget to takesome Pokeballs along too! Live Glucose Monitoring With The Apple Watch ...
【Apple Watch起立提醒沦为报时功能】7月29日,运动追踪是可穿戴计算设备的一项重要功能。而The Verge编辑雅克布·卡斯特纳科斯(Jacob Kstrenakes)却发现,Apple Watch的起立提醒功能存在明显缺陷,相对于提醒用户运动,更适合用于报时。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 ...
【苹果确认#iPhone13无法用AppleWatch解锁#,#iPhone13非授权换屏脸部识别将失灵#】 9月27日,据IT之家消息,苹果官方已确认“使用 Apple Watch 解锁”功能在 iPhone 13 上无法正常工作,并表示该问题将在之后发布...
RothPETFACEPETIOPetkitPetoneerPetsafePet ScenePeugeotPezPezzettiPGYTechPhase 2Phat FarmPHILEXPhilip BPhilip KingsleyPhilipsPhilips CarePhilosophyPhoenixPhoenix OrganicPidanPieceHousePierre CardinPigeonPike & ShottePikmi PopsPikstersPillow PetsPilotPine O CleenPink FloydPink PoppyPINWUYOPioneerPipedreamPIP StudioPit...
And boy the dongles have been a mess. We had to wait several months to Apple to fix their OS in this regards, because after wakeup, the Apple dongle had to be unplugged and put back in order it worked. And when they bought 12" MB, it didn't work with the Magic Mouse's...