Apple Watch 中的生命体征 app,会将你整晚的健康数据放在一个便于浏览的位置。各项指标的变化趋势一看便知, 还能适时提醒自己多多关注身体健康。 进一步了解“各项日常健康状态,心中更有数”。 各项日常健康状态,心中更有数。 每晚佩戴 Apple Watch 入睡,把自己的日常健康状态了解得更全面。有了生命体征 app,你可以...
系统自带「体能训练」实际上菜Y一直使用Apple Watch自带的体能训练App运动跑步。自带的体能训练有一定限制,...
- Explore a timeline of your life by combining filters like time, activity, heart rate, weather and more. RealifeChange integrates with the Health app. Your results will shape your dashboards and your Well-being Score, giving you an intuitive new way of exploring unknown territory within yours...
The Health app integrates data from a paired Apple Watch's heart-rate sensor to provide insights such as active and resting energy levels. The Apple Watch and Health app utilize Activity Rings as the main way to display daily movement. The format consists of three concentric red, green, and...
The Apple Health app provides a central and secure place for your health and fitness information, so it’s easily accessible and under your control. Features • Visualise and securely store health data from your iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch as well as from compatible devices and third-party ...
- Privacy Policy: 【HealthKit】 - Your record after each weighing: BMI (body mass index), body fat percentage, weight, lean body mass will be shared to Apple Health. Features Developer Beijing Xiaomi Co., Ltd...
3月10日苹果召开今年的春季发布会,现场发布Apple Watch的8款健康类产品获得关注。这8款应用包括短时健身锻炼、水分摄取、生活习惯、初级跑步训练等健康功能。专业人士指出,这些产品与美国目前风行的移动医疗应用比较类似,属于大众健康类项目,偏向于健身与保健,应用前景广阔。
让我们开始吧!1. 呼吸频率 — 你身体的隐秘信号 🧘🏻♂️呼吸频率就是每分钟呼吸的次数,虽然听起来简单,但它能告诉你身体对氧气的处理能力。无论你是在沙发上追剧,还是早晨出去跑步,这个数字会随着你的活动调整。Apple Watch 能在你睡觉时监测微小的运动和氧气水平,记录下你的呼吸频率。如果这个数字突然...
watch SE (2nd gen). Both were synced to have the same apps. Recently my Apple Health App has disappeared on my Apple watch but my walking data is shown on the Heath App on my iphone. How do I restore the Apple Heath App on SE watch so I can see my walking data on the watch?