星岛日报网 8月11日 今天,谷歌发布了两个有关苹果平台谷歌地图的公告。首先,Google的应用程序现在可以与CarPlay屏幕上的仪表板视图一起使用,从而允许驾驶员并排查看地图和媒体控件。其次,谷歌正在重新引导Apple Watch上的Maps应用程序。CarPlay的仪表板模式于去年末在iOS 13中引入,但仅支持Apple Maps。苹果从3月...
Apple is upgrading watch face complications in a big way. Now, apps can offer multiple complications on a single watch face. So, if you’re really into Strava, you’d theoretically be able to add multiple Strava data points to a single watch face. Developers need to update their apps manu...
Step 3: Set Up Travel Mode in Google Maps on Apple Watch If you want to use Google Maps navigation on your Apple Watch, you need to specify your preferred travel mode. Below, we have explained how you can do it: 1. Press the side button to open the Apple Watch home screen. Then, ...
说到智慧型装置用的地图,不少人的第一选择还是 Google Maps,但在 Apple Watch 上,一直仅支援 Apple Map,不过今天 Google Maps 推出 4.11.0 版本更新后,终于可以在 Apple Wacth 上使用到,但目前功能还很阳春,只能在选择住家和公司两个地方。 首先,只要把你 iPhone 上的 Google Maps 更新到最新版本后,稍待 Ap...
Google 在运行 Android 6.0 或更高版本的设备上提供了非预期跟踪检测。运行较低操作系统版本的设备可以更新或者使用“跟踪器检测” App。 打开非预期跟踪通知 若要在运行iOS 14.5、iPadOS 14.5或更高版本的 iPhone 或 iPad 上接收非预期跟踪通知,请确保: ...
Google Maps was so much better. Google Maps is still better, but it’s a lot tougher of a call nowadays. Where Apple Maps really shines, though, is when it is combined with an Apple Watch. Granted my test scenario isn’t your typical, everyday one, but I can say that fo...
玩懂手机 9 月 11 日资讯,上一周谷歌官方宣布 Google Maps 或将重新返回苹果 Apple Watch,对于期待这个功能的用户来说,这是个非常不错的好消息,今天谷歌官方确认 Google Maps 重新返回苹果 Apple Watch。对于 Apple Watch 用户来说,你所要做的就是在你的 iPhone 上安装 Google Maps,并将其添加到您的 ...
1)Install Google Maps on Apple Watch 2)Open Google Maps on both Apple Watch and iPhone 3)See directions for your current trip 4)See travel times and add shortcuts 5)Pick Travel mode 6)Delete and reinstall Google Maps Install Google Maps on Apple Watch ...
Google Maps (Image credit: Google) You might know how to use Google Maps, but did you know you can use it on your Apple Watch? As one of the most comprehensive navigation services, Google Maps can help you get where you need to go, nearly anywhere in the world. To better suit the ...
Apple Watch Series 4 review: The best smartwatch adds ECG, too The Apple Watch is bigger-screened, faster, and makes some key health upgrades. Scott Stein Jan. 2, 2019 8:48 a.m. PT 15 min read In this article... Get this model, stick with what you have, or look elsewhere?Apple...