Apple Watch Sleep Tracking for Someone Else If I let my husband wear my Apple Watch SE overnight, will it track his sleep, and will the sleep data show up in the health app on my iPhone? Apple Watch SE (2nd generation) Posted on Apr 26, 2024 7:17 AM (7) Me too (3) Reply...
近期出现了很多关于Apple Watch睡眠追踪的猜测,尤其是在苹果收购了Beddit(Beddit Sleep Monitor 产品和配套应用制造商)之后。据外媒报道,苹果内部正在为Apple Watch开发睡眠追踪功能,该功能不需要任何特殊的硬件。新功能最早将于下周发布,届时苹果预计将发布下一代iPhone,并可能推出一款钛和陶瓷材质的新款Apple Watch。
#1. Apple Watch offers excellent fitness tracking and reasonable sleep tracking, but it doesn’t provide actionable insights beyond showing your raw data. WHOOP, on the other hand, helps you correlate factors like diet and workout intensity with specific fitness, sleep and overall health outcomes....
User profile for user: osvath256 osvath256 Author User level: Level 1 12 points Sep 29, 2024 7:17 AM in response to Ingo2711 For example, on September 25th, it measured very well, but not before or after. Interesting 😁 Reply of 1 Apple Watch inaccurate sleep tracking Welcome...
With iOS 16 and watchOS 9, Apple built out its sleep features with additional sleep tracking data and insights. Keep reading to learn how to set up sleep tracking for Apple Watch. Apple enhanced the built-in Sleep app on the Apple Watch in a big way in watchOS 9, introducing Sleep Stage...
Sleep++ 的使用非常简单,打开应用后,点击「Start Sleeping」,就会开始纪录。睡醒后,再打开应用,点击「Stop Sleeping」,等它分析完成,便记录下一次睡眠周期。在你睡觉时,Sleep++ 会通过 Apple Watch 的传感器来记录你的活动,如果你睡觉时经常翻身,它就会将这段时间记录为非入眠时间(Restless)。
提到Apple Watch 上的睡眠监测应用,不得不把 AutoSleep 拿出来和 Sleep++ 做一番对比。我认为这两款应用的区别之处有两点,简洁性和专业性,这两者似乎也是不可兼得。 在简洁性上,Sleep++ 和 AutoSleep 都很有特色。打开 Sleep++ 后开启几个选项就能马上上手,睡眠简报也简单到小学生都能看明白。相比而言,AutoSleep...
要打开自动睡眠记录,你需要在 Sleep++ 的「设置」中开启「Auto Sleep Tracking」,之后 Sleep++ 的自动记录睡眠就开始工作,本质上它和 AutoSleep 一样,通过分析夜里睡觉时 Apple Watch 的物理运动数据来判断用户的睡眠情况。 相比于手动记录,自动记录显然有着无可替代的便捷性。Sleep++ 1.0 刚上架时我就尝试过一段...升级WATCH OS7之后最实用的功能苹果官方教程别晚上充电了哈哈哈, 视频播放量 20523、弹幕量 0、点赞数 55、投硬币枚数 6、收藏人数 61、转发人数 52, 视频作者 郭哥Great, 作者简介 欢迎白嫖,技师号码要记一下,相关视频:Appl
Enable Sleep tracking 1. When in Sleep Mode and worn to bed, Apple Watch will track your sleep and send this data to the Health app. To enable Sleep tracking, from the paired iPhone, navigate to and select the Watch app. 2. Scroll to and selectSleep, then scroll to and select the ...