在iPhone 上打开 Apple Watch App。 轻点“所有 Apple Watch”,轻点家庭成员的 Apple Watch,然后轻点“完成”。 轻点“蜂窝网络”,然后轻点“设置蜂窝网络”。 按照适合你所用运营商的说明操作。你可能需要联系运营商来寻求协助。 要在设置蜂窝网络后查看为家庭成员的 Apple Watch 所分配的电话号码,请前往手表上的...
跳至支持 Apple Watch 亲子设置的运营商部分 请向你的运营商查询你所用 iPhone 的移动通信服务计划是否支持 Apple Watch 蜂窝网络服务。如果你已加入企业或公司的蜂窝网络服务计划,请向你所在的公司或运营商查询是否支持此功能。可能不支持预付费账号和某些较早账号。
蜂窝网络版则不需要手机和WiFi就能实现apple watch的所有功能,不过其前提是要开通eSIM服务,否则本质上还...
Apple Watch and cellular coverages For up to date apple watches (series 7 or SE) with cellular, does Boost provide or match with the cellular coverage? 2 years ago 117 1 do carriers charge an additional fee for Apple watch connectivity? do carriers charge an additional fee for Apple wat...
访问 apple.com.cn/watch/cellular(在新窗口中打开) 查询适用的移动通信运营商及适用条件。请参阅 support.apple.com/zh-cn/HT207578(在新窗口中打开) 了解更多设置使用说明。 并非所有销售 Apple Watch Ultra 的地区均可为其提供蜂窝网络支持。请参阅 apple.com.cn/watch/cellular(在新窗口中打开) 或联系你...
Apple Watc..Apple Watch Series 3 有GPS和GPS+Cellular 两个版本,我不想用蜂窝数据的功能,但是Cellular版的有16G内存,而GPS版的只有8G;Cellular版是陶瓷表背
Get Apple Watch Series 3 with cellular support for the topic: Optimize Battery Life. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com.
Get Apple Watch Series 4 with cellular support for the topic: Optimize Battery Life. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com.
Buy Apple Watch Series 10 GPS + Cellular 46mm Jet Black Aluminum Case with Ink Sport Loop at Walmart.com
Apple Watch seamlessly connects to the cellular network whenever it’s not connected to a nearby iPhone or Wi-Fi access point. Apple Watch Series 3/4 GPS + Cellular supports voice and data over LTE. Roaming Roaming outside your provider network coverage area is not available for Apple Watch...