Replace a Near Field Communication (NFC) Antenna compatible with the A1554 and A1803 Original model or Series 1 model 42mm Apple Watch. Fix impaired functions with contactless payment systems. Installing this part requires micro-soldering.
Replace a Near Field Communication (NFC) antenna compatible with the Series 3 Cellular 38mm model Apple Watch model #A1890, A1860, and A1889. Fix impaired functions with contactless payment systems.
Replace the Near Field Communication (NFC) Antenna compatible with the A1553 and A1802 Original model or Series 1 model 38mm Apple Watch. Installing this part requires micro-soldering.
苹果并未为这神秘的夜览功能留下官方的记载,而在先前的watchOS 10中,它也未曾现身。或许,夜览是与watchOS 11共舞的伙伴,但这份优雅并不局限于最新的舞者,即便是运行着watchOS 10的Apple Watch Series 9,也能轻松驾驭这夜的旋律。然而,要启动这夜的序曲,目前只能通过Siri的魔法咒语。在手表的设置迷宫或界面的...
Apple Watch在加勒比海丢失一年多:居然找回并能够使用 #AppleWatch#在生活的洪流中,丢失与重获的故事总能激起波澜。对于贾里德·布里克而言,这一波澜尤为壮观。当他在加勒比海的碧波间与儿子共度生日欢愉,却不慎遗落了心爱的Apple Watch,那不仅仅是一块手表,更是与儿子情感交流的纽带。时光荏苒,转眼已过数月,...
The Apple Watch Series 10 has received a design update with larger casings and displays but a thinner overall design, along with a new S10 chip,...
The new Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2 will begin arriving to customers and launch in stores on Friday. Ahead of time, select media outlets and YouTube channels have shared the first reviews of the watches. Key new features for both Apple Watch models include brighter displays...
TinyPod的创始人Newar透露,他们正在积极申请专利,以保护这一独特的移动Apple Watch表冠机制和外壳设计。他还透露,关于滚轮的更多细节将在下个月产品上市时向公众揭晓,让人充满期待。在公开的视频中,我们可以看到TinyPod的侧面精心设计了两个麦克风孔和两个按钮,这些按钮与Apple Watch的侧面按钮和表冠按钮完美契合...
德国设计公司公开Apple WatchX概念渲染图 IT媒体9to5Mac近日披露了一则令人瞩目的消息,德国设计界的翘楚Wordsmattr公司旗下设计师Lukas Gehrer,为了庆祝Apple Watch诞生十周年,倾尽心血创作了一款名为"Apple WatchX"的纪念版设计概念。他凭借深厚的行业洞察力和对新技术的敏锐嗅觉,综合了近期涌现的新一代Apple ...
The Apple Watch Series 10 has received a design update with larger casings and displays but a thinner overall design, along with a new S10 chip,...