Apple Watch Series 9 packs in a new, more powerful processor, a brighter display capable of up to 2,000 nits peak brightness, Apple's U2 chip that enables precision-finding of your iPhone, as well as better HomePod integration, and a whole slew of features and tech you'd expect. $329...
and while things are still early in the process, these are some of the best preorder deals we've found so far. Of course, be sure to check back as we will continue to update this list as more merchants begin to populate their shelves with the Apple Watch Series 9. If you...
当然,价格优惠并不意味着性能上的妥协。翻新版的Apple Watch Series 9搭载了全新的S9 SIP芯片,这款芯片拥有高达56亿个晶体管,数量比Series 8多出60%,GPU性能更是提升了30%。这样的性能配置,让翻新版的Apple Watch Series 9在运行速度、应用加载等方面都表现出色,无论是日常使用还是运动健身,都能轻松应对。...
Currently, there are more than a few Apple Watch models on sale at Amazon, which bring the price of bestselling watches such as the Series 9 down by up to $100 off. Keep reading to check out the best Apple deals to snag right now. LATEST RELEASE Apple Watch Series 10 [GPS] $329...
Apple Watch Series 9 has a water resistance rating of 50 meters under ISO standard 22810:2010. This means it may be used for shallow-water activities like swimming in a pool or ocean. Apple Watch Series 9 should not be used for scuba diving, waterskiing, or other activities involving high...
而现在,更令人激动的是,这款功能强大、设计精美的Apple Watch Series9竟然迎来了史诗般的低价。最低仅需2289元,你就能拥有它,享受它带来的种种便利和乐趣。这无疑是一次难得的机会,对于那些追求性价比、热爱智能科技的消费者来说,更是一次不容错过的好机会。李先生是一位运动爱好者,他一直以来都想要一款...
Apple Watch Series 9有两个版本,45mm和41mm,本文介绍的是45mm版本,更适合男生使用,而如果你选择41mm版本价格会更低一些。Apple Watch Series 9正面配备了一块亮度高达2000nit的曲面屏,强烈日光也屏幕也能清晰呈现内容。亮度最低可以降至1nit,深夜使用不刺眼。由于Apple Watch Series 9搭载了苹果自研的S9芯片...
总的来说,Apple Watch Series 9智能手表凭借其强大的性能、出色的续航、丰富的健康监测功能和创新的交互体验,成为了当下市场上的一款明星产品。现在,45mm版限时立减600元,到手价仅需2599元,绝对是年货节的好价!如果你一直在寻找一款既时尚又实用的智能手表,那么Apple Watch Series 9绝对是你的不二之选!快...
Apple Watch Series 9 运动型表带 Apple Watch 磁力快速充电器转 USB-C 连接线 (1 米) 系统要求 Apple Watch Series 9 需要使用 iPhone Xs 或后续机型,并安装 iOS 17 或更新系统。 功能可能会有所变化。某些功能、应用软件和服务仅适用于部分地区或语言。
在备受期待的Amazon Prime Day大促中,Apple Watch Series 9的价格降至历史最低点,成为CNET评选的年度最佳智能手表之一。目前,消费者可以以$280的超低价入手这款智能手表,节省高达$120。不同尺寸、颜色和配置的折扣幅度在$100至$120之间,但并非所有款式都有此优惠。