Credit:Reddit For example, if you have a watch band that fits the 44mm Apple Watch Series 6, it should also fit the 46mm Apple Watch Series 10. However, that band won’t work with the 42mm Series 10 or 41mm Series 8. Still with us?
1、从需求上考虑。你买Apple watch或者佳明是用来做什么。我个人买是为了运动,当然没有也可以其实也不...
Also expected to be launched is theApple Watch Series 8range, which could expand the product family tothree variants. As well as the existing Apple Watch SE, the upgraded standard Apple Watch could be available in 41mm and 45mm sizes, gainbody temperature measurements, and use ...
Apple Lightning to 3.5 mm Headphone Jack Adapter:$7.99 (11% off) at Amazon Apple Watch bands 45mm Apple Watch Sport Loop Band in Maize/White - Regular:$30.80 (37% off) at Amazon
很多网友都将续航问题归咎于 watchOS 10.4 更新,另外一位 Apple Watch Series 6 用户反馈,更新之前续航 1.5-2 天,更新之后只有半天多点时间。 IT之家查询 Reddit 社区、苹果官方支持论坛,发现从 Apple Watch Series 7 到 Apple Watch Ultra 2,以及更入门的 Apple Watch SE 均普遍存在这个问题。
众多用户将续航问题归因于watchOS 10.4更新,另有Apple Watch Series 6用户表示,更新前可使用1.5-2天,更新后仅能维持半天左右。 此外,IT之家在Reddit社区和苹果官方支持论坛上发现,自Apple Watch Series 7至Ultra 2,乃至入门级别的SE型号,均出现类似问题。
Whether you're looking for a luxury pick for the office or something more comfortable for working out or sleeping, these are the best Apple Watch bands.
一位自称是2020年苹果泄密事件的主要来源的泄密者说,苹果在9月的“Time Flies”活动中有很多存货,其中包括14英寸的Apple Silicon MacBook Pro,以及可能发布的消息的“ iPhone 12 ”系列。与任何声称在线知道所有秘密的人一样,我对此信息持怀疑态度。有问题的Reddit帐户已有七个月的历史,直到“ Ask Me Anything” ...
但我自己的体验来看的话,Apple Watch这个产品十分的鸡肋,看似功能很多,但其实平时90%的功能都用不到...
近期有多名 Reddit 网友发帖称,苹果为 watchOS 11 提供的“生命体征(Vitals)”应用可在症状出现前数天检测潜在疾病的功能。应用会分析用户过去 7 天的睡眠数据,帮助部分 Apple Watch 用户提前发现潜在疾病。Vitals 会根据个人情况建立一个常规范围,并在数据超出范围时向用户发出提醒。这一功能适用于 Apple Watch ...