1、从需求上考虑。你买Apple watch或者佳明是用来做什么。我个人买是为了运动,当然没有也可以其实也不...
Apple is upgrading watch face complications in a big way. Now, apps can offer multiple complications on a single watch face. So, if you’re really into Strava, you’d theoretically be able to add multiple Strava data points to a single watch face. Developers need to update their apps manu...
The Apple Watch Series 4 will be offered in slightly larger sizes than in previous generations, Wednesday's products page sitemap leak reveals, with this year's releases supposedly offered in 40-millimeter and 44-millimeter variants. Surfacing early on Wednesday, the sitemap includes l...
The 44mm is definitely a compromise over the 40mm; 40mm is much less noticeable in every way and just as nice Also, my wife says the 44mm looks better on me although the 40mm is a more natural feeling and less obtrusive. I really wanted a fitness watch, so the 44mm fills ...
Apple Watch Series 4 (GPS + Cellular) 40mm (Silver Aluminum, White Sport Band) | MTUD2LL/A$499.00($40 off in tax outside NY & NJ*) 44mm (Silver Aluminum, White Sport Band) | MTUU2LL/A$529.00($42 off in tax outside NY & NJ*) ...
IT之家 4 月 13 日消息,苹果公司于 3 月 7 日面向 Apple Watch 用户发送 watchOS 10.4 更新(内部版本号:21T216),引入了新的 Emoji,修复屏幕误触问题、“轻点显示完整通知”支持双击扩展通知等。 不过根据网友反馈,watchOS 10.4 更新存在耗电过快的问题,Apple Watch Ultra 2 手表更新之前 5 小时耗电量为 7-...
Whether you're looking for a luxury pick for the office or something more comfortable for working out or sleeping, these are the best Apple Watch bands.
众多用户将续航问题归因于watchOS 10.4更新,另有Apple Watch Series 6用户表示,更新前可使用1.5-2天,更新后仅能维持半天左右。 此外,IT之家在Reddit社区和苹果官方支持论坛上发现,自Apple Watch Series 7至Ultra 2,乃至入门级别的SE型号,均出现类似问题。
一位自称是2020年苹果泄密事件的主要来源的泄密者说,苹果在9月的“Time Flies”活动中有很多存货,其中包括14英寸的Apple Silicon MacBook Pro,以及可能发布的消息的“ iPhone 12 ”系列。与任何声称在线知道所有秘密的人一样,我对此信息持怀疑态度。有问题的Reddit帐户已有七个月的历史,直到“ Ask Me Anything” ...
Apple Watch Series 10于去年9月推出,是苹果的最新旗舰手表。不可否认,它有很多值得称赞的地方,然而,最近越来越多的问题事件暴露某些S10可能存在影响内置扬声器的硬件问题。 一些用户称,他们的S10扬声器音量异常低: 最近,根据Reddit和Apple支持上的各种帖子描述,一些S10用户发现他们的扬声器有问题,音量变得非常小。受影响...