一位Reddit 用户在 Apple Vision Pro 上运行了科幻角色扮演游戏《赛博朋克 2077》。不过,他不建议在家尝试。 在一段视频中,Reddit 用户“Kengine”展示了使用 Apple Vision Pro 并以全 VR 方式开玩《赛博朋克 2077》的效果。他写道:“我已经设法让《赛博朋克 2077》在 Apple Vision Pro 上以全 VR 形式运行,看...
The Apple Vision Pro headset has sparked mixed reactions on Reddit over the high price, low battery life, and limitations of the headset. GlobalData revealed that Redditors argued it might be used more for work than gaming, and concerns about it leading to disconnection to everyday real life....
苹果Vision Pro头显用户反馈前置玻璃出现裂纹根据Reddit社区网友反馈,苹果Vision Pro头显在没有磕碰、摔落等情况下,正常使用过程中前置玻璃会无缘无故出现裂纹,目前至少已有3例,但不清楚具体有多少用户受到影响。根据Reddit社区的帖子内容,这个裂痕主要出现在头显鼻梁处的中部位置,受影响严重的裂纹已经延伸到整个Visi好了...
然而,对于现有的Vision Pro用户来说,他们的头显设备可能正默默积灰。一些科技界的网红在社交媒体上发布的帖子也显示,最初对Vision Pro的热烈追捧可能有被夸大的成分。与此同时,苹果面临的更大担忧是,与其他苹果产品相比,人们似乎并不愿意频繁使用Vision Pro。 在Reddit的r/VisionPro版块上,众多用户纷纷吐槽这款头显...
The Apple Vision Pro is indubitably a revolutionary device. The first computers were too but they took up an entire room or even more. We're a long way from those days with today's laptops, smartphones, and wearable technology. Thankfully for Apple, the Vision Pro doesn't have as lo...
were two more layers – a black layer and an unlaminated layer over the top of the exterior screen. The black layer was likely a spacer, and the unlaminated layer was a lenticular lens array. This lens array is said to create a 3D effect when you watch content in the Vision Pro. ...
视差体验方面:参考 reddit 部分用户,以及陀螺君的实际体验来看,Vision Pro 拍摄的空间视频似乎更具“空间感”。 除上述图片对比中的基础信息外,有观点认为这还与拍摄设备的两颗镜头距离相关。 iPhone 15 Pro 的镜头间距约为 20 毫米,仅为成人瞳距的三分之一左右。因此,理论上使用 iPhone 15 Pro 拍摄的空间视频,...
Apple certainly isn't doomed if the Apple Vision Pro isn't a blockbuster out of the gate, which is good because it is launching into a product category that is so small and poorly defined that it doesn't even qualify as nascent yet.
3月21日消息,苹果中国官方招聘网站显示,其正在寻找“简报体验专员”(Briefing Experience Specialist),主要工作职责包括负责销售和推广Vision Pro头显,工作地点设在北京。 (图源:Apple) 此外,苹果公司也在澳大利亚和日本发布了类似的招聘信息,招募的“简报体验专员”将负责展示Apple Vision Pro的产品特性,向管理层汇报营销...
In a Reddit post on the r/oculusnsfw subreddit, one user asked if anyone had “figured out porn on the Vision Pro?”“Dying to get this to work haha,” the post reads. “If anyone has a success story please tell me how.” The top-voted comment doesn’t mince words: “worse than...