Apple's official countdown for the launch of its Vision Pro on February 2 has started, and the company just announced that more than 600 apps have already been built for the mixed-reality headset. The wide range of applications -- including productivity tools, streaming services, educat...
Its launch comes the morning after Apple reported fiscal first-quarter results that exceeded revenue and earnings estimates. Apple CEO Tim Cook stood by the Vision Pro's pricing, which starts at $3,500, telling CNBC's Jim Cramer, "We think we priced it at the right level considering the v...
Apple Vision Pro is Apple's first wearable headset device, offering a mixed reality experience. Vision Pro is priced starting at $3,499, with...
Consumer interest in the $3,499 headset has reportedly waned at home, where sales are said to have slowed in the five months since its launch.Apple Vision Prois set to launch in the United Kingdom and Canada on July 12. The headset will also launch on the same day in Australia, France...
The Vision Pro fills no such need. It's useful for isolated content consumption and not much else. The VisionPro, as far as I'm concerned, is regression, not progression. I don't want to sit in my own world wearing weird goggles and watching movies by myself. Yes I've...
另据悉,在本次 WWDC 上还推出了新的 Mac 电脑和 iOS系统。但很明显,希望留给消费者的最深印象是 Vision Pro,他认为这将为更多的产品奠定基础。 支持:Ren 参考资料: ...
马来西亚吉隆坡、伦敦、纽约和洛杉矶2024年2月5日/美通社/ -- 个人成长平台领军企业Mindvalley宣布,公司推出一款专用于 Apple 颠覆性空间计算设备 Vision Pro 的新应用程序,以全新方式进行沉浸式冥想,实现个人成长。 Mindvalley_Vision_Pro_Launch_Sizzle Mindvalley 与斩获奥斯卡奖的创意工作室 Framestore 联手,打造这款独...
Apple Vision Pro Launch Summary (and things to think about) In the game of STATUS, the price IS the product. So when you're thinking about pricing, maybe consider an APPLE or Tesla approach. Instead of competing on an extra feature, why not go 7x higher than your average competitor and...
A customer tries on the Apple Vision Pro headset during the product launch at an Apple Store in New York City on Feb. 2, 2024. Angela Weiss | Afp | Getty Images The Vision Pro, the new virtual reality headset from Apple, cantransport youto Hawaii or the surface of the moon. ...
launch, including customers from around the world. People are also able to receive private one-on-one demos on a first come, first served basis at retail stores. People experience a demo of the Apple Vision Pro headset at the Fifth Avenue Apple store on February 02, 2024 in New York ...