一旦这个眼部穿戴产品形成标杆,那么反过来就会促进手机销售,定义很清楚眼镜就是周边穿戴显示设备。 镜头:苹果会使用hybrid Fresnel lens design具体技术也还在保密中,但可以做到高分辨率和FOV ( FOV提一下,原因先不解释不一定越大越好,跟其他体验指标相关,120+度就够了) ,苹果定制自己的光学方案并专利封锁,会是现有技...
When Apple unveiled the Vision Pro at WWDC in June, members of the press invited to try out the headset were able to use an optional secondary head strap that sits across the top of the head. The strap was spotted in Apple's promotional videos for the mixed reality device, but its mark...
This wouldn’t be the first phone-powered headset, and history has given us the advantages and disadvantages of that design. An iPhone would actually offer a bit more mobility and flexibility, especially if it will also power the Vision headset. It could, however, be the bottleneck considering...
Apple has been forced to make "drastic cuts" to production forecasts for its Vision Pro mixed reality headset due to the complexity of its design and difficulties in production, reported theFinancial Timeson Monday. Apple's $3,500 headset is set to go on sale early next year, but analysts ...
The Apple Vision Pro Headset: Design The Apple Vision Pro headset looks similar to virtually any other MR device or VR solution. However, it does feature some unique design aspects and capabilities. The lightweight product has a 3D pane of curved laminated glass above the visor. This enables ...
Apple went to great lengths to preserve its signature design minimalism, at least to the extent that it could, given the technology squeezed into the Vision Pro. The device has a glass front, an aluminium frame, five sensors, 12 cameras, a display for each eye, and a computer that is co...
Apple unveiled its new Vision Pro VR headset, which the company promises will unlock a new universe of magical new virtual- and augmented-reality apps.
Apple預計在WWDC 2024對全球開發者介紹更多visionOS的開發細節,若能在舉辦WWDC 2024前後於美國以外市場發售Vision Pro,則對推廣visionOS的全球開發生態有幫助。 Apple目前不在美國以外市場發售Vision Pro的原因,包括:1) 初期Vision Pro供應有限、2) 先在美國市場驗證銷售流程能順利運作、與 3) 需要時間調整算法以符合...
In the meantime, the design constraints Apple’s engineering team encountered in creating the Vision Pro were/are all too familiar to competing AR/VR device makers like Meta, Microsoft and others. Vision Pro uptime is currently limited to two hours per charge, and users must also wear a wired...
Apple has been forced to make drastic cuts to production forecasts for the mixed-reality Vision Pro headset, unveiled last month after seven years in development and hailed as its most significant product launch since the iPhone. The complexity of the headset design and difficulties in production ...