Gives me joy to see it every time I walk into my office. Ditto, did the same thing recently. CPU and GPU wise it isn't spectacularly fast, but it has 64 GB of RAM and for old intel things I may want to run it fits the bill perfectly. Reactions: Makosuke, Timp...
Being in Silicon Valley and an Apple II enthusiast meant it was easy to keep an eye on all things Apple, including the coming of the original Macintosh. But even though 1984 wasn’t like1984, orso that ad told me, I wasn’t buying a Mac. (This is also why I have no Nintendo nosta...
Then, they discuss guest Kyle Chayka’s recent piece in the New Yorker comparing Silicon Valley invasion of the government, led by Elon Musk, to the “techno-fasiscts” of 1930s Japan. And finally, the danger of black plastic kitchen utensils was debunked after the discovery of a simple ...
purchased the land from HP, which had been one of the most storied companies in the history of Silicon Valley, started by two legendary founders. Steve looked at the building. “Eventually everything comes to an end,” he said. We looked at each other for a few moments, then walked on...
Cringely® has been covering the foibles and follies of Silicon Valley since 1986, and writes InfoWorld's Notes from the Field blog. With a fedora on his head and a keyboard in his hands, he wrangles rumors, gathers gossip, and reports the stories the world's high-tech honchos don'...
[laughs harder in valley-girl] Woman: [pronouncing the code word] It's like, HOR-NEE-A-DOH? HORE-NEE-AH-DOH? HORNEADO. What even is that? Woman: Oh, my God. I get it. I get it. It's gotta be the name of the worker who took my order! But, like, who names their kid Hor...
“I rarely get excited over a new computer. But Apple’s Macintosh, officially introduced last Tuesday, has started a fever in Silicon Valley that’s hard not to catch….By the time I got my hands on the little computer and its omni-present mouse, I was hooked. Apple has a winner…....
I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in what Apple produce nor silicon valley and all the other techbros. None. It’s all such boring shit really. . I was walking behind some construction guy yesterday. A younger skinny woman with hardly anything on was walking down the other side ...
Personally I’m looking forward to the day when Bill calls the flock together in Silicon Valley. ‘I have called you all here together to make the big announcement..please, please enough with the washing and kissing of feet…as you know we’ve all been busy here together creating Heaven...
The Apple mythos is incredible. When people think about Apple’s early history, they think of Steve Jobs walking around Silicon Valley barefoot extolling the virtues of the Apple I. They think of Wozniak and Jobs assembling the computers in the Jobs’ garage. They don’t think of Chinese wor...