你可以通过无线方式将 iPhone 或 iPad 更新至最新版 iOS 或 iPadOS。 如果更新没有出现在你的设备上,请使用电脑手动更新你的设备。了解以下情形中如何手动更新设备:你使用的是装有 macOS Catalina 或更高版本的 Mac,或者你使用的是装有 macOS Mojave 或更早版本的 Mac 或 Windows PC。
iPad 使用手册 设置和开始使用 将iPad 开机并设置 唤醒、解锁和锁定 设置蜂窝网络服务 接入互联网 Apple ID 和 iCloud 通过Apple ID 登录 使用iCloud 订阅iCloud+ 查找设置 设置邮件、通讯录和日历账户 了解状态图标的含义 给电池充电和监控电池 给电池充电 ...
Get Apple iPad mini support for the topic: Software Update for the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com.
Get Apple iPad (3rd Gen) support for the topic: Software Update for the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com.
The last major update to iOS 12 was in 2019, with iOS 12.3. Apple has stopped issuing any major iOS 12 updates for these very old iPad models and have been ONLY issuing security, “point” updates for the past few years. So, year three is coming to an end and third party app suppor...
iPad Pro 12.9-inch (6th Gen) iPad Pro 11-inch (M4) iPad Pro 13-inch (M4) Update to the latest version of iOS or iPadOS as soon as it's released, or continue on the current iOS or iPadOS version while still getting important security updates for a period of time. For more informati...
你可以将 iOS 设备置于恢复模式,然后使用电脑进行恢复。 出现以下情况时,你可能需要使用恢复模式来恢复你的设备: 电脑无法识别你的设备,或提示你的设备处于恢复模式。 屏幕上持续显示 Apple 标志长达几分钟时间,但没有显示进度条。 你看到“连接到电脑”屏幕。
iPad Pro 12.9-inch (6th Gen) iPad Pro 11-inch (M4) iPad Pro 13-inch (M4) Update to the latest version of iOS or iPadOS as soon as it's released, or continue on the current iOS or iPadOS version while still getting important security updates for a period of time. For more informati...
1 reply Sort By: Rank Page content loaded User profile for user: frazzm737 frazzm737 User level: Level 9 55,254 points Feb 28, 2023 2:00 PM in response to sra69 Check this link... Update your iPhone or iPad - Apple Support Reply of 1 updates for my ipad ...
I have a 2nd Gen IPad Pro 12.9, when trying to install the iPadOS 14.2 software update it is able to download the update but always fails when I get to the installation. It says unable to install update, an error occurred installing iPadOS 14.2 and I have the option to retry or remind...