I then did a chat with YouTube support and they don't have any known record of this issue. They told me to report the issue through the YouTube app on the device I am having issues with, so I opened YouTube on my AppleTV, scrolled all the way down to the bottom settings button ...
YouTube's Apple TV app is crashing and causing some issues for users when they try to exit out of the app, according to user reports online. On...
近日陆续有Apple TV的用户在网上投诉,表示YouTube程序有Bug。根据用户在Reddit讨论区和Twitter的分享,当他们尝试退出YouTube时,程序会问他们是否确定要退出,然后就会出现黑画面,用户迫于无奈要将程序强制关闭。YouTube Support官方建议遇到上述问题时,用户可以连按两次Siri遥控器上的TV键,移至相关程序后在触摸板向...
youtube疑问..针对您的问题,可能有以下两种原因:1. 不同步的软件更新:Apple TV的软件更新可能影响其显示广告的功能。为了解决这个问题,您可以尝试以下步骤:* 首先,检查两台Apple TV的软件版本。在设备
When watching the YouTube app on my 2022 AppleTV 4k w/ethernet and I attempt to add a HomePod (1st gen) using my iPhone 13 the audio cuts out. If I deselect the homePod the audio comes back through the sound bar normally. I can add a HomePod while using another app on the Apple...
In recent days, some Apple TV 4K and Apple TV HD users have been receiving a "something went wrong" error message when attempting to load videos using the YouTube app on tvOS. The issue does not appear to be widespread, and it seems to arise only when a user is signed into their You...
tv碰到怪问题..这个问题可能由几个因素导致,可以尝试以下的解决办法:1. 网络问题:如果您的网络连接不稳定或速度慢,打开视频时可能会出现转圈的情况,等网络连接稳定后,播放就会变得流畅。2. 软件问题:可能是您观看视频
🔘YouTube 应用程序现在会劫持 Apple TV 的屏幕保护程序,屏保内容则是"从视频中截取的普通静态图片幻灯片"。如果你正在观看视频,然后暂停了足够长的时间,YouTube 应用程序的屏幕保护程序就会启动,会看到 "YouT...
This new YouTube app is a total disaster. I don't understand why the felt like replacing the existing app. It was great, but Rogifan said: Can’t Apple mandate something like this? Probably, but Google could just as easily remove YouTube from the App...
appletv 5代 最近突然看不了youtube了 只看楼主 收藏 回复 cosmotown 默默无闻 1 能进去看到缩略图,但一播放就显示出了点问题。同一网络的手机和shieldtv观看正常没有问题,请问有人遇到过吗?怎么解决? cosmotown 默默无闻 1 up cosmotown 默默无闻 1 up+1 cosmotown 默默无闻 1 up+2 cosmo...